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A box of (lesser) green and black - or what you can achieve with SGL classifeds


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So probably as many folks have done I've coverted a full set of eye-pieces.  I've seen those beautiful and extortionantly priced boxes of green and black that many own and wished for similar, but I could never justify that amount of expense for what little observing I actually get to do.  However, from the eclectic assortment of cheaper EP's that I accumulated from SGL classifieds I realised I much preferred an EP with plenty of eye relief and a wider field of view.  I then got a chance on the SGL classifeds board to buy a Baader Morpheus 14mm at a good price.  What a difference - this really seemed to be a great thing and on the moon it was terrific.  I wanted more - the trouble was they were mostly upwards of £190 a pop sometimes clearing the £200 mark depending on the seller - I couldn't afford them.  Then a second one popped up on SGL classifieds (I forget which now) - sod it, it was around the same price as the first one - ouch went the bank balance, and again and again and again!  Of course the more I got the more I wanted to complete the collection and thanks to SGL classifeds I am finally there - it took a while, but I now own the whole collection for a fraction of what I could have got them for new.  Bro had a really nice old metal flight case, so I've sprung for pluckable foam and here is my 'best' collection of EP's - it rather ruins the look to add the Pentax XW 5mm, but I know that's also rather nice glass so it does belong there I think.  The only thing is the Morpheus stops at 17.5mm and that rather misses on the wider field views of the sky, but for the sake of my bank balance that's probably a good thing and I have some lesser EP's that do serve in that capacity.  

I do think I am very lucky - it isn't a box of classic green and black, but I'm rather chuffed with it.


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Such fine eyepieces. Congratulations!

I had just started building a collection of Delos (already had the D8 and D12) when the Morpheus appeared. I tried the M6.5. That compared so well to the D8 and D12 that  I decided to forget about getting more Delos. So I also got the M17.5 and M4.5 to fill the remaining gaps in my collection.

I think the M17.5 is just about perfect. Which do you think is the best of the Morpheus and which the weakest?

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I've yet to try the 17.5mm it only came this morning, but I found the 14mm to be very good.  Like the Pentax XW5mm I found the M4.5mm to be almost OTT in terms of working with my setup and UK atmospherics - I did hope it might be solution to teasing out the E and F in the trapezium, but I think that will call for better weather than I've tried it in.  I found that despite the same wide field of view it was still difficult to look through - though perhaps not as much as the Pentax.  For more regular 'close up' things the 6.5mm seems to be the right choice - that's a doddle to use and I have high hopes of using it as a planet watcher when the two king planets come round in the summer.  The 9 and the 12.5 will probably service for galaxies and nebulas of various sizes, but I haven't played with them much yet.

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7 minutes ago, JOC said:

I did hope it might be solution to teasing out the E and F in the trapezium

Excellent eyepieces JOC.

Would it be worth a try to lower the magnification for "E" and "F" in the trap? I find these mag sensitive for some reason as are some other stars- counter intuitive I know.An example of this is the central star in M57, for me anyhow.

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10 minutes ago, jetstream said:

Excellent eyepieces JOC.

Would it be worth a try to lower the magnification for "E" and "F" in the trap? I find these mag sensitive for some reason as are some other stars- counter intuitive I know.An example of this is the central star in M57, for me anyhow.

Definitely. The 9 or 12.5 are probably the best bets. 

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1 hour ago, jetstream said:

Yes totally agree and for me I tend to go a bit lower yet using a 17mmish across my range of dobs.

You could well be right. I was trying to remember whether it is the 10 or 14mm XW that shows them most clearly.

1 hour ago, Paul73 said:

Nice looking collection.

There is a big gap in the case.... what will fill that??


31 Nagler. 🤫

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1 hour ago, John said:

Lovely set of eyepieces.

I really must try a Morpheus sometime :smiley:

They're pretty good! I tried the 17.5 Morpheus, and it has about the same properties as Pentax XW & TV Delos. It's sort of like an offspring of the two with a slightly wider field of view. 


xw morph del.jpg


Edited by rkelley8493
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It's good to see these great eyepieces are really gaining traction at last.

My first one was a 14mm which replaced a Pentax XW 14mm because it had much less field curvature and the extra 6 degrees fov was very noticeable.

I was an early buyer of the 17.5mm after it came out 3 years after the main range - Baader must really have been pushing the design at that focal length, but it was worth the wait!

I also owned the 9mm for a short while too, but sadly, enforced early retirement last summer forced me to slim down my Astro gear..but I will most definitely buy more once my finances are more healthy and I get my pensions started.

Did all your set come with the new, improved eyecup? The eyecup was in my opinion the only weak spot with the range.. it was ill fitting and flimsy, not worthy of such a good eyepiece, but to be fair, Baader did put it right, and the much improved, screw on version is available as a retro fit, very much worth the price of replacing any older ones you might have.

Enjoy your set, and the 5mm XW will fit in perfectly to compliment the Morph 6.5mm, it's a superb eyepiece👍😊.



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4 hours ago, JOC said:

So probably as many folks have done I've coverted a full set of eye-pieces.  I've seen those beautiful and extortionantly priced boxes of green and black that many own and wished for similar, but I could never justify that amount of expense for what little observing I actually get to do.  However, from the eclectic assortment of cheaper EP's that I accumulated from SGL classifieds I realised I much preferred an EP with plenty of eye relief and a wider field of view.  I then got a chance on the SGL classifeds board to buy a Baader Morpheus 14mm at a good price.  What a difference - this really seemed to be a great thing and on the moon it was terrific.  I wanted more - the trouble was they were mostly upwards of £190 a pop sometimes clearing the £200 mark depending on the seller - I couldn't afford them.  Then a second one popped up on SGL classifieds (I forget which now) - sod it, it was around the same price as the first one - ouch went the bank balance, and again and again and again!  Of course the more I got the more I wanted to complete the collection and thanks to SGL classifeds I am finally there - it took a while, but I now own the whole collection for a fraction of what I could have got them for new.  Bro had a really nice old metal flight case, so I've sprung for pluckable foam and here is my 'best' collection of EP's - it rather ruins the look to add the Pentax XW 5mm, but I know that's also rather nice glass so it does belong there I think.  The only thing is the Morpheus stops at 17.5mm and that rather misses on the wider field views of the sky, but for the sake of my bank balance that's probably a good thing and I have some lesser EP's that do serve in that capacity.  

I do think I am very lucky - it isn't a box of classic green and black, but I'm rather chuffed with it.


To be perfectly honest JOC, I think the Morpheus are classics in their own life-time, and are up there with both the stunning Pentax XW's and offerings from Televue. And in some ways I think they are a better eyepiece!

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Looks mighty fine JOC, and might I add that I feel that I have assisted in this matter personally by relieving you of those tatty old BST's a while ago :)

(I'm very pleased with them BTW, but I must admit I aint got no fancy case. Still loose in the box they came in :) )

Enjoy your collection!

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Lovely set of EPs JOC. I picked up the 14mm from Dave (F15Rules) a couple of years ago and more recently the 17.5mm from Shaun (Pig) just before Xmas.

I really like these eyepieces and am also looking to build up a complete set and will be following slowly in your footsteps.

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1 hour ago, rkelley8493 said:

They're pretty good! I tried the 17.5 Morpheus, and it has about the same properties as Pentax XW & TV Delos. It's sort of like an offspring of the two with a slightly wider field of view.

Have you had the chance to compare it to the 17mm ES-92?  I have the 17mm AT AF70 and Nagler T4, but prefer the ES-92.  I've wondered if it would be worth it to pick up a 17.5mm Morpheus for 1.25" usage.  The AT AF70 has noticeable of chromatic aberration and astigmatism in the outer 15% of the 70 degree field, so not really a viable options most of the time.  Is the Morpheus free of aberrations at least out to the last 5%?  The 14mm Morpheus has quite noticeable field curvature, astigmatism, and chromatic aberration in the out 10% of the field, but less than the 17mm AT AF70 and way less than the 13mm AT AF70.  Still, I like the Morpheus better than my 14mm Pentax XL because of the significantly wider field.

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5 hours ago, JOC said:

The only thing is the Morpheus stops at 17.5mm and that rather misses on the wider field views of the sky, but for the sake of my bank balance that's probably a good thing and I have some lesser EP's that do serve in that capacity.

I would pick up a 30mm APM UFF to get those wide TFOVs you desire.  It views very much like a Delos or Morpheus.

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35 minutes ago, Louis D said:

Have you had the chance to compare it to the 17mm ES-92?  I have the 17mm AT AF70 and Nagler T4, but prefer the ES-92.  I've wondered if it would be worth it to pick up a 17.5mm Morpheus for 1.25" usage.  The AT AF70 has noticeable of chromatic aberration and astigmatism in the outer 15% of the 70 degree field, so not really a viable options most of the time.  Is the Morpheus free of aberrations at least out to the last 5%?  The 14mm Morpheus has quite noticeable field curvature, astigmatism, and chromatic aberration in the out 10% of the field, but less than the 17mm AT AF70 and way less than the 13mm AT AF70.  Still, I like the Morpheus better than my 14mm Pentax XL because of the significantly wider field.

If the Morpheus 17.5 is like the ES 17 92 then I'll not be in such a hurry. I've not got on too well with the ES 92's (I had the 12 and still have the 17) because of their eye relief. Fine if you wear glasses when observing but as I don't, not so good for me.

I agree that the ES 92's are superbly corrected eyepieces though.

I'll stick with my Delos 17.3 in that niche I think.



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1 hour ago, Louis D said:

Have you had the chance to compare it to the 17mm ES-92?  I have the 17mm AT AF70 and Nagler T4, but prefer the ES-92.  I've wondered if it would be worth it to pick up a 17.5mm Morpheus for 1.25" usage.  The AT AF70 has noticeable of chromatic aberration and astigmatism in the outer 15% of the 70 degree field, so not really a viable options most of the time.  Is the Morpheus free of aberrations at least out to the last 5%?  The 14mm Morpheus has quite noticeable field curvature, astigmatism, and chromatic aberration in the out 10% of the field, but less than the 17mm AT AF70 and way less than the 13mm AT AF70.  Still, I like the Morpheus better than my 14mm Pentax XL because of the significantly wider field.

I also prefer the ES 92, but it's in a totally different league than the Morpheus and about 3x as massive [its only drawback]. I'm really looking forward to the expansion of the 92º Series. I was betting on them doing a release of new models at NEAF this year, but the show ended up getting cancelled. 

Anyhow, I didn't really have the Morpheus for that long, so I didn't do a comparison between the two. However, it would probably be a better comparison between the Morph and 17T4 Nagler since they are in about the same class [size/weight/properties]. For 1.25" use, I'd say it would probably be worth it. It's a really good eyepiece and gets a lot of positive reviews. 


Edit:  I found this review of the 17.5 Morpheus on Cloudy Nights.



Edited by rkelley8493
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Almost snap. Though not as neat, obviously! Lots of Morpheus (any idea what the plural would be?) and the XW5. The Pentax is a fine eyepiece but I was wondering whether the 4.5 Morpheus would be as good. It would 'fit' the collection better and on a practical note, since I use the 2" fitting it would have a focus point closer to the rest. I would love to hear your thoughts on comparing the XW5 and the M4.5.





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IMHO, the gap between 6.5mm and 4.5mm would be too much. At shorter focal lengths I feel that having 1mm or even .5mm increments gives you the high power options you need to enable you to get the best from conditions and target.

My shorter focal lengths are:

8mm, 7mm, 6mm, 5mm, 4mm-2mm zoom. I often find that I'm using the zoom in .5mm increments to find the optimum high power for a set of conditions / target.


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19 hours ago, F15Rules said:

Did all your set come with the new, improved eyecup? The eyecup was in my opinion the only weak spot with the range.. it was ill fitting and flimsy, not worthy of such a good eyepiece, but to be fair, Baader did put it right, and the much improved, screw on version is available as a retro fit, very much worth the price of replacing any older ones you might have.

I find I don't tend to use the rubber eyecups on any of my EP's - in fact it has only been recently when experimenting with some of the cheaper ones that I even discovered they had a pop up or rotating rubber eyecup.  Perhaps its because I wear spectacles to observe - I think this is also the main reason I find short eye relief difficult to use too.  With a rubber eyecup I would probably not rest my spectacle lens on it as you might your eye if you did not wear them.  Consequently I just tend to hover the spectacle glass just above what I am viewing through and even with a rubber eyecup I would still be above it which might then be too high.  I'm the same with binoculars and again don't use the eye cups.

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15 minutes ago, JOC said:

Perhaps its because I wear spectacles to observe

For me eye cups provide a way to shield the eyes from stray light, thats pretty much it. Your specs prevent this needed (IMHO) function.

Do you think an observing hood (hoodie) could benefit you?

Using one might prevent your pupil dia from bouncing around, allowing you "half" dark adaptation or better. Your eyepieces are superb, nothing else needed here- time to look at other ways to increase contrast etc, IMHO.

Getting good views is a process.


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1 hour ago, jetstream said:

For me eye cups provide a way to shield the eyes from stray light, thats pretty much it. Your specs prevent this needed (IMHO) function.

Do you think an observing hood (hoodie) could benefit you?

Using one might prevent your pupil dia from bouncing around, allowing you "half" dark adaptation or better. Your eyepieces are superb, nothing else needed here- time to look at other ways to increase contrast etc, IMHO.

Getting good views is a process.

I guess a hood might help if I was settled down for a good spell at a single target, but I still tend to charge around like a bull in a china shop chopping and changing and every time I get up the stray lights nearby probably ruin any dark adaptation that I have achieved.

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