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Heritage 130P + Comet + a few DSOs

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I have had 4 days of enjoyable observing with the 12" Dob. However, tonight I decided to have a quick grab and go with the small Skywatcher Heritage 130P.

Using a Explore Scientific 24mm 68 degree EP + Celestron Duo 10mm 68 degree I went looking for C/2019 Y4 (Atlas). Found the Comet but it was difficult to compare brightness with the previous nights having regard to the difference of the scopes.

Had a look at M81 and M82 then down to M51. Moved over to Leo and observed M65 and M66 no sign of NGC 3628. Moved over to Auriga and viewed M38, M36 and M37. Quick look at M35 and finished with M1.

This lovely little scope is great for a quick grab and go.

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Lovely report Mark. We are having a good run at it lately aren’t we?

I wish I had your skies! Struggle to see the comet even in a 12” scope from here. Must get my Heritage out again soon though, don’t use it enough. Sunny today, time for more solar I think!!

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45 minutes ago, Ships and Stars said:

Wow that's excellent with a 130p! What kind of LP do you reckon you're dealing with? You must be well over 21.00sqm I'm guessing?

I live on the edge of the City and my viewing is very similar to the Lucksall site (about 10 minutes away) used for the SGL star parties. I have not measured my home site but it helps that I know the exact location of these objects and what they look like in a larger scope. I really should buy a light meter and measure the sky quality.

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To get a better idea of my Heritage setup and its location I attach  a photo. The Heritage now sits on a Skywatcher AZ Pronto but a better tripod. This makes it easier to move from one object to the next with fine tuning with the slow motion devices.

The photo also shows the end of my garden and if you look closely you can see a washing line (not used for clothes). Attached to this line (hidden behind the garden shed) is 6 black groundsheets which blocks out all lights from the house. I can set up scopes in this area - totally dark.


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