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Help/Advice please!


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Hi All,


I'm still new to astrophotography and learning all the time but I need some advice if possible please?  Could you have a look at the image below and tell, if you can, what the misting and black spots may be please?

Every time I try and brighten the image using GIMP (moving the curves line to the top left) it highlights this misting and the spots.

I am taking darks, flats, etc. as per the instructions on the Sharpcap website.

As I said I'm new to all this really so please be gentle with me!

Any advice gratefully received.  Thank you.



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3 minutes ago, Concretedan said:

Hi All,


I'm still new to astrophotography and learning all the time but I need some advice if possible please?  Could you have a look at the image below and tell, if you can, what the misting and black spots may be please?

Every time I try and brighten the image using GIMP (moving the curves line to the top left) it highlights this misting and the spots.

I am taking darks, flats, etc. as per the instructions on the Sharpcap website.

As I said I'm new to all this really so please be gentle with me!

Any advice gratefully received.  Thank you.



I've been at this 3 yrs and only just getting started on the processing, let everyone here know the setup you're using and some details on the specs of the subs you've taken and stacked. Also if you post the stacked image as a tiff so people can have a play themselves and get a better idea if its data thats the problem or the processing.


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The largish black spots are likely caused by dust somewhere in the imaging train a few mm in front of the camera sensor.  If you are taking flats (without disturbing the imaging train after your lights) they should help get rid of those.

You may have some 'walking noise' and dithering might help with this, assuming you are guiding?  

Not entirely sure if I've interpreted misting correctly, but if it's the light to dark cast from left to right then that may be a light gradient.  Not sure how Gimp users deal with that (don't have it myself) but hopefully one will be along shortly to tell us?

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Hi All,


Just some further information for you regarding camera settings, my setup, etc.

EQ6R Pro, Altair Starwave ED102, Hypercam 183C, ZWO120 Mini (but I'm not yet guiding), Sharpsky Pro for focus and dew

My camera settings were below;

Debayer Preview=On
Output Format=FITS files (*.fits)
Capture Area=2720x1824
Colour Space=RAW12
Black Level=24
USB Speed=0
Auto Exp Target=75
Frame Rate Limit=Maximum
Analogue Gain=980
Timestamp Frames=Off
Banding Threshold=35
Banding Suppression=0
Apply Flat=None
Subtract Dark=None
#Black Point
Display Black Point=0.00390625
#MidTone Point
Display MidTone Point=0.01390625
#White Point
Display White Point=0.0340571157260216

Please let me know if I need to provide any other details for some advice.

Thanks very much all.



M101 Rev 001 27.03.20.TIF

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