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Tiny sunspot observed yesterday - 24th March 2020


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I’ve had the Tak set up for the last three days for solar observing so that I can have a quick look every now and then whilst stuck at home. The seeing has been pretty dreadful I must say, no idea why as the Jetstream is not overhead.

Yesterday was a little better, though not much. At one point in the afternoon though, the granulation was a little sharper and after a careful look I identified an area of activity where the patterns were more distinct, and sure enough there was a tiny spot associated with it. It was blinking in and out of visibility with other detail around it but definitely there. From what I recall it was in a 4 o’clock position, probably 2/3 of the way to the limb, maybe more. This was mid afternoon ish, refractor view with a Wedge ie left-right reversed.

I checked later but conditions were not as good so I couldn’t see it. I’ve also checked on various sites for images from yesterday but can’t see anything so I assume it was a fairly transient feature. Slim pickings currently but good to see something at least. Anyone else catch it?

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I saw it too. Not sure of the orientation of the sun with my alt-az mount, but 2/3 of the way to the limb seems right. It really popped when the seeing steadied.

I checked using JHelioviewer and it looks like it was very transient. Best image is about 12:30:

Screenshot 2020-03-25 at 16.57.26.png

Edited by astro_al
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