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NGC 281 - Pacman


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With Covid-19 lockdown and lots of rain - it was a good day to re-work some data from Sept. 2018. This is NGC 281.....Pacman Nebula. Total exposure time here is 24 hours (Narrow Band and RGB data). Quite pleased with the improvement I made on this since last I processed it. The full image covers a wider area, but the crop here allows greater detail on your screen.

Final NB&RGB CropSign (2400 x 2400).jpg

Edited by Kinch
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I should have put in a link for anyone interested  - especially with a high res monitor. 

The top image here is the 2018 image that I reworked from scratch on Monday last - giving me the lower image. Click on that image for the higher resolution (a second click will pull up the full resolution posted).




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