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No Floodlights!


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I noticed that the floodlit sports complex near me turned the lights off early. When I checked it out online it closed at 8pm until further notice. As it normally lights up the sky for miles around from dusk until around 10:30pm, it's a positive side effect for me, arising from the current anti Covid-19 measures. Perhaps other people are also experiencing some positive side effects?


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I think there will be plenty of examples of this Louise. Fewer planes flying is bound to mean clearer skies.

My journey time to work has dropped from just over an hour to about 50 mins, and fuel consumption has gone up.

Other lovely examples like this; fish and dolphins appearing in the canals of Venice now the boats have stopped churning up the sediment. Perhaps we will all find a different, better way of life once we are through this?


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2 hours ago, Stu said:

I think there will be plenty of examples of this Louise. Fewer planes flying is bound to mean clearer skies.

My journey time to work has dropped from just over an hour to about 50 mins, and fuel consumption has gone up.

Other lovely examples like this; fish and dolphins appearing in the canals of Venice now the boats have stopped churning up the sediment. Perhaps we will all find a different, better way of life once we are through this?


Unfortunately, it hasn't affected the cloud 😞 Sigh.



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Being on the crossing of 3 airline routes here, the reduction in contrails should certainly be good - when we get some clear skies.  UM...  Clear skies??? Wassat??  Might see the odd star or two on Sunday night...

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5 hours ago, Stu said:

Other lovely examples like this; fish and dolphins appearing in the canals of Venice now the boats have stopped churning up the sediment. Perhaps we will all find a different, better way of life once we are through this?

That's a great thought Stu😊👍.

A few things I've noticed..

- Apparently, over China lots of birds and animals began to be seen in some towns again, once the smog had blown away.

- From space, very visible improved clarity, and less smoke has been noted..

- Many communities are actively helping one another and keeping in touch with vulnerable people - my own mother in law who is 86, and in sheltered accommodation, was told on Tuesday that she must stay in her own flat and can't socialise with her friends in the communal areas for at least 12 weeks. That makes it so important for people like her to have regular phone contact so she doesn't feel totally cut off, and of course to take shopping to her (the housing association are taking a hot dinner to her every day).

We have asked that all her grandchildren make a special effort to give her a call at least once a fortnight. If they all did this she'd hear from one of them every other day, and of course her own 4 children and other friends can do the same.

- Much less traffic on some of the roads!

In the middle of all the chaos around us, we've been at my son's place in the Midlands for the past 5 days, to see our newly born grandson: and so much has changed in that time.

Every day has brought news of new restrictions on travel, sport, socialising etc. So we are heading back to rural Lincolnshire today, not knowing when we will next see our little new addition to the family and his parents. But we are full of love for our family, optimism for the future beyond Covid and thanks to the willingness of the vast majority of our nation to pull together, and admiration for the fantastic NHS and front line service employees who are working tirelessly to treat the most needy at this worrying time.


Here's our own little star,  Isaac David, a week old tomorrow💘😊




Edited by F15Rules
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Lovely photo Dave - I hope the world changes for the better when this virus comes to an end and Isaac David grows up in a less polluted world.

As a side issue I live on the edge of the City with my East/West horizon facing a rural countryside. Its only the North that has LP with a nearby High School having floodlights. These have now been turned off so I am hoping for a clear sky to view DSOs in the North - hopefully.

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I suppose you are aware Dave that another lad called Isaac, who lived not so very far from you, had a hand in inventing  ' ships funnels '. Thought I would mention it as young Isaac David is sure to have an Astronomical future...:wink:

Edited by Saganite
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48 minutes ago, Saganite said:

I suppose you are aware Dave that another lad called Isaac, who lived not so very far from you, had a hand in inventing  ' ships funnels '. Thought I would mention it as young Isaac David is sure to have an Astronomical future.

Yes, Steve, we visited Woolsthorpe Manor just a month ago..


Sadly, it's just closed yesterday due to the virus (as have all National Trust properties, sadly). It's a quite small but very interesting place, with some exhibits in the adjoining barn/coffee house building, including a full size model of an 8 or 10" Newtonian Ship Funnel😁.. seriously, well worth a visit and fascinating to learn more about the great man - and to see both the original old apple tree and the new seedling, which had germinated in space, as planted by Tim Peake very recently👍.


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