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How good is a MAK for deep sky?

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Hi all

As we all know mak's are compact small and portable  telescopes. Many use these for lunar and planetary observation and photography also.

How good is a MAK for observing deep sky objects like galaxies and nebulae . Something small to use while astrophotography gear is up and running . As I go with friends in a single car carrying our dobsonian is a porblem.

Clear skies 

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Maks are excellent for a variety of smaller, brighter DSOs such as globular clusters, small open clusters and planetary nebulae. Where they struggle is in getting to wider fields of view and larger exit pupils which are needed for filtered views of large objects such as the Veil, or galaxies such as M31 or pairs like M81 and M82.

There is still plenty to look at with a Mak, and from a cost per aperture perspective they are hard to beat. A decent 4" apo refractor to give you the wider fields would cost significantly more.

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I think another problem with it is the cooldown  mine took 1 to 2 hrs for good views but sometimes 2 to 3 hrs for perfect views.

U can Use it for smaller dso but not the wider bigger dso

Altho I dont think I ever used it for that.

I only used it for the planets, I have more suitable scopes for dso that cools much much faster


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