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My long sight has deteriorated.


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I have noticed that my long sight quality has deteriorated in recent times. I was at Liverpool Street station a few weeks ago. I could not resolve and read the train destination & times on the large overhead display as clearly as before. I thought about a monocular. But who can carry around a large monocular where ever you go. But an excellent quality 6 x 20mm would be helpful. Has anyone else had this problem? 

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1 hour ago, Grumpy Martian said:

I did have my eyes tested recently. The outcome was no real change. But I know that there is. 

If you're wearing eyeglasses then have you had them inspected? I recently trekked into London to visit an independent optician just to check as I wasn't 100% confident in the high street opticians but my prescription hadn't changed a bit.

The coating on my glasses however was scratched from cleaning, causing some issues - the fix is simply to get the glasses reglazed or replaced with the same prescription, which I'll be doing soon.

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2 hours ago, Grumpy Martian said:

I did have my eyes tested recently. The outcome was no real change. But I know that there is.

Out of curiosity, have you ever been tested for diabetes? I am not being funny but such a quick change in eyesight can be a symptom of high blood sugar etc.,, or so I am told. I am more concious of such things now, since my own diagnosis of diabetes, though that as now in remission, thankfully. :smiley:

Do not ignore this, see an optician or your GP, assuming you can get an appointment. Damage due to diabetes for instance, is non reversible.

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It may be something as simple as cataracts, They play havoc with distance vision.
I know this from experience. I recently had my left eye repaired, one year after my right eye 
was corrected.  Believe me, the difference even with one eye sorted was brilliant, with
both now done, I feel reborn.  The wait for procedure one. was very long, the second appointment came 
one year later. The waiting time for these procedures are  a nightmare, the second event was at a different hospital
in Cumbria, but only an hours travel by rail. Believe me, I would gladly have walked there if that was the only option😀.
The drawback now of course, is how will this virus outbreak affect things such as this.

Edited by barkis
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My eyesight keeps improving!  Over the last few years my worst eye has gone from -10 dioptres to -8. In practice this makes little difference since I still need glasses anyway, but it does mean I no longer qualify for free eye tests.  (Bummer, except I now get free tests again because I'm over 60.)

I gather this is quite normal, so do go and see an optician. It could be that simple.



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I had a similar sensation and also wondered if an increase in floaters in one eye. Optician refered for a OCT scan which revealed I had what's called a macular hole in one eye. It's an age-related permanent tear in the retina, thankfully static and does NOT lead to full deterioration like macular degeneration. Luckily for me its in my weak eye.

It's worth looking at an amsler grid to see if you can detect any distortion (for me very slight) - this could mean one of several defects some of which are serious.  https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/amsler-grid.htm  Better looked at on paper than on screen I think.  any doubts ask an optician about a scan, get a referal or you can pay yourself to get one at a well known high street optician chain.

Hopefully you'll have none of these but highly recommend a check.



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