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ZWO ASI 120 MC coloured dots??

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I am trying to set up an all sky camera and its outside now for first light after much testing indoors.

The attached image was taken a few minutes ago and as the sky has got darker lots of coloured dots have appeared.

I have never used a colour camera before so please excuse my ignorance !!

I have turned the gain down to 50 but all it seems to have done is make the image darker - the coloured dots are still there.

Is this 'noise' or something else ??

Attached an image from just now and one from earlier when the sky was much lighter.




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Yes this is noise - it is much reduced when the sensor temperature is lower.

In experiments with / without a peltier cooling the camera body of my ZWO 178MC, there was a marked difference in cooled vs uncooled colour noise.

It also appears to be read noise - longer exposures were less noisy than multiple short ones.

If you're new to it, just experiment with all settings / exposures etc until you xero in on the best you can get, which will be different every night!

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10 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

Looks like hot pixels to me..  what software are you using? Can it do automatic dark or bad pixel map subtraction ?

It can do automatic dark subtraction - its not set up yet - I will try that but I wanted to be sure to know what the issue is before altering anything.

6 minutes ago, Jonk said:

Yes this is noise - it is much reduced when the sensor temperature is lower.

In experiments with / without a peltier cooling the camera body of my ZWO 178MC, there was a marked difference in cooled vs uncooled colour noise.

It also appears to be read noise - longer exposures were less noisy than multiple short ones.

If you're new to it, just experiment with all settings / exposures etc until you xero in on the best you can get, which will be different every night!

I may have made things worse than neccesary then - I have drilled holes through the base under the dome to allow heat from the Raspberry Pi into the dome in an effort to reduce dew/frost on the dome!

I will have a play.

Thanks both for your help.

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Sorted - dark subtraction made a massive difference - given that to the naked eye its blanket cloud outside and I cant see a single star I am more than happy with this test !  It's a ZWO ASI 120MC - uncooled.

The Raspberry Pi puts out a fair amount of heat so I will wait and see if I need to add a dew hetare.

This is a great improvement......


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I'm really sorry if this sounds like I'm hijacking your thread - but... is that the lens that came with the camera or is that a difference lens? I'm thinking about buying one of these cameras you see!

Great shots btw really pleased you fixed the picture issue. These all sky projects look amazing fun but I think they may be a touch too technical for me!

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Its not the original lens - its an Arecont 180º from the USA. The orginal lens gives about 140º

Its not a difficult project - I have never used Linux before so if I can do it - you can !

The info is here - https://www.instructables.com/id/Wireless-All-Sky-Camera/?fbclid=IwAR0MBp6cGOPtSg-HegsgeWlneg9YHLHxmzI7CjYWvm_j-UrQgEYyWSYf0J4#step1

Once I get it working properly I will post some photos and info.

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2 hours ago, happy-kat said:

The dark subtraction worked great


1 hour ago, tooth_dr said:

Thats a great result, from a cheap wee camera.  The dark subtraction made a huge difference.

I must admit I was shocked at the improvement!

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