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What did I see?

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Tonight I was walking the dog at 9pm.  I live in Manitoba, Canada.  I looked North and saw a steady stream of what looked to be sattelites moving west to east.  They became visible just at the base of casseopaeia, traveled the same trajectory, and went out of sight around the handle of ursa major.  The 'sattelites' were roughly the same distance apart, though some variation, and this lasted 10-12 minutes.  I saw about 40-50 of these things, one right after the other, like a string of sattelites.


Any chance someone knows what I saw?



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Pretty sure you were looking at the Starlink Satellites. Elon Musk is responsible for placing these into orbit. We saw them here in Colorado last week and the local television stations were flooded with calls about them. While fascinating to observe Musk wants to place thousands of them in orbit and wreak havoc on our viewing and photographing the stars.

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