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How to identify a passing object in our night sky?


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Novice here I'm afraid, so excuse my ignorance!  I live in Feock, Cornwall and for the past few nights I've seen a bright object passing high in the western sky.  It takes about twenty minutes to traverse the window where I'm sitting, so quite fast.  I thought it must be the ISS but that doesn't pass over here apparently.   I've checked with a satellite times web site but found nothing.  What could it be?

Many thanks!

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Sounds too slow to be a satellite if it takes 20 minutes, but I'm not that clued up on those. All the ones I've seen though my scope are usually tanking it across the sky.

 If I may ask, what time of evening is this? If it's early evening just after dark, could possibly be Venus if you are in a chair and don't move and it transits across a single window pane in 20 minutes? Venus is very bright - the brightest planet in the sky if I recall correctly. 

Alternatively and perhaps less likely, could be a routine scheduled commercial airline flight from a very great distance with the sun reflecting off the fuselage just after dusk? Do you have binoculars? Or a digital camera with a decent zoom for an ID shot?

I'd guess, and it's just a guess, it's most likely Venus. 

Edit - I like the SkyView app for a quick look at what is in a given area of the sky at a given time. Pretty handy app for such things and shows most satellites, but there are so many these days, it's like a motorway up there at times.

Edited by Ships and Stars
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59 minutes ago, Philip R said:

Hi @Skyline_UK and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

A site worth checking out is: https://www.heavens-above.com/


Thats a great site. Create a login (free) and specify your location and it will tell you all about what is passing over, the timing and the track across the sky. Has info on comets and other stuff too !


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