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Baader semi-APO filter.


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Is this filter as good as they say or your money back? I have bought a used one, in as new condition.   Now the blurb says it’s reaaally good! But having never used one can you say what it’s best on and what to avoid?


thanks for viewing,

clear skies,



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I have done so, but that’s advertising blurb, I’d like first hand usage as there’s usually more to these filters than what just meets the eye....or camera.

I’ve had Baader filters before, but sold them before I could use them in imaging...doh! Now I’ve got back into astronomy, I need to pickup where I left off so to speak.



Btw, your link doesn’t want to work on my iPad for god knows what reason.

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Here's a third party comparison photo of several Baader filters:


The Contrast Booster totally cuts off violet fringe, but creates a slight color cast as a result.  Baader's frequency response image for it shows how it cuts everything in the violet and dark blue range:


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You're posting your question in the imaging section and, to the best of my knowledge, these are visual filters. Mark and Louis link to photographs taken using these filters but they are not astrophotos - because they not intended for that. Or so I believe.


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5 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

You're posting your question in the imaging section and, to the best of my knowledge, these are visual filters. Mark and Louis link to photographs taken using these filters but they are not astrophotos - because they not intended for that. Or so I believe.


Now that’s what I needed to hear, where not to use them. Thanks Olly.



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6 hours ago, happy-kat said:

I assume you are using a chromatic refractor?

In the blurb, it says it can be used for both a achros and apos! But obviously mainly achro, I have a Celestron c80ed -r and that’s where I’m intending to use it, but now I know it’s for visual use.



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