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Various clusters


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A lovely night last night.  I took the plunge during the daytime into Stellarmate on a little Rpi3 bought from a fellow SGLer a while back.  What a lovely piece of software!  Anyway, just a quick note on how great it was being able to use it to look at quite a few clusters last night (many for the first time ever for me) - NGC 2158, NGC 2174, M 35, M 67, M 44 and even a wee bit of time with M 66.  Took a few photos with my little Primaluce AIRY72ED which I will try & process (clumsily!) and post some time over the next few days.

My over-riding takeaway was just how huge & old the universe is (and of course beautiful).  While the lights were being taken, I was able to be indoors and read up on them on Wikipedia - their size, age, distance.  Funny to think that every day, while we go about our lives, all that space and light and stuff is all around us...it saw us in, and it'll see us out!

Fingers crossed for clear skies tonight too.

Cheers all,



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