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Moon and Venus lovely NOW


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5.45pm Thurs. - lovely slim waxing crescent Moon, SW, about 33deg - Venus a bit higher, slightly further W.  A fine sight.  Because the sky is still quite light, Venus is clear and lacking glare - sharply defined, just turning gibbous.  A little fringing, not a problem.

The AR 127L frac is performing well, and proving easy and enjoyable to use (for its size).  

Mealtime now, out for more later (I hope).


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1 minute ago, Stu said:

Yep, currently parked, engine off in a traffic jam on the lovely M25, at least I'm able to enjoy this view. Was hoping to get home and get the scopes out before dinner. Grrrrrr 


Hope you get moving soon Stu. You couldn't ask for a much better view of these two objects though.

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37 minutes ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

Sky looking seriously good here. Orion is coming round nicely into view. I will try to hunt Uranus down later.

I'm in north west Kent and sky is the best I've seen for a while, got one imaging rig going and need to start another not wanting to waste it.


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Clear, cloudy, clear, cloudy, rain, clear - so out again, looking for close doubles near Meissa and Bellatrix.  Got them in the same FOVs as the guide stars, but what with 'scope wobble and poor seeing, I couldn't split them.

Never mind - aimed at and got M42 (clear and detailed), M45, then the Double Cluster.  Sat down and simply enjoyed those views.

Fifth session with the new big frac (AR 127L) - getting used to and really liking it.  Goes well on the Skytee II - just use the slow-mo for altitude; azimuth by nudging.  It gives great sharp and contrasty star images.  Glad I went for the 127 - I think 150 would have stretched the limits of manageability at the same (or greater) length.

Fifth session this month; an enjoyable hour!


Edited by cloudsweeper
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