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Helios giant bins


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I have a pair of very much used Helios 20x100 BT binoculars and was wondering if 1 1/4" (31.75mm) eyepieces can be used with some sort of adaptor?

They came with 3 pair of dedicated eyepieces with measure 1 3/8" (35mm)





Edited by Tenby2
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I have a pair of OH 20/40 x 100 bins which look the same as the helios. I find that standard 1.25 eyepieces will not go far enough in to get focus.

You might have some success with straight sided 1.25's but they probably will have to be shortened a bit.

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If you can reach focus by poking them in the hole then you 3D print some sleeves to do the job better than a wrap of duct tape. If the parts were printed with a little slop then a little bit of duct tape could give a nice snug push fit. I’ve made filter holders and binocular caps like this.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi. getting back to my giant Helios bins. The tripod, although adequate, seems to have a weak spot. The 2 thumbs screws, top, holding the bins in position are not holding as well as they should. especially when I add my cell phone holder. They just screw down onto a knurled rods going through to screw into the binoculars. The bins aren't centred on the mount you can see they are back heavy. I'll post some pictures to illustrate. I might need a better type of fork mount to support the bins. I have seen the Explore Scientific U-Mount jobbies, ruddy expensive!  Picture on the right shows the cell phone holder attached.(great cell phone holder by the way).

Any suggestions please?







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  • 1 year later...

Hi tenby2, I have only recently joined this forum so my reply is a bit tardy. Have you sorted your mount problem yet? 

I have a set of Helios Quantum 20 x 100 which I can use in a parallelogram mount or a DIY GOTO drive made from a hacked Ioptron Cube, (description posted recently). To minimise the load on the drive I finessed the balance of the binos with pieces of lead sheet fixed discreetly with silver tank-tape. With care It is possible to get a very close dynamic balance, which would lessen the burden on the thumb screw (which look somewhat poorly suited to the role).

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