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Confusing PHD log


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I set up last night on the cone nebula and checked my PHD logs this morning to see something I haven't before. At about 21:39 I started guiding for 7 hours (and it was indeed guiding and imaging during this time), oddly though the guide log just shows a flat line right until the point where the scope loses site of the target and then I see activity. I have attached the full guide log and extract of the debug log, is this something anyone has seen?

PHD2_DebugLog_2020-02-24_205124.txt PHD2_GuideLog_2020-02-24_205124.txt

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Not an expert, either, but your guide line isn't flat.  Here's what the first two hours looks like:


If you were viewing it in PHD2 Log Viewer then this scales the graph to take in the maximum deviation, which, once the star was lost later on was of the order of 700 ". 

If you expand the Y axis using the plus button on the right hand edge of the display you get the graph above.

Edited by almcl
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