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Sw dual axis motor handset

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Apart from the guide scope you will also need a guide camera. Another option would be to get a mini guider package . This consists of a small guide scope, usually similar to a 9x50 finder, and a camera. If you have a spare 9x50 finder can just need a camera and adapter to attach the camera to the finder.

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Not sure what you mean.....

Assuming you have a mount capable of accepting guide commands (i.e with an ST-4 guide port), all you need is a guide camera fitted to some sort of guide scope which in turn is rigidly fitted to the imaging scope and a ST-4 cable between the camera and the mount. PHD2 will take it from there......


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OK If your guide camera has NO built-in ST4 port (this seems to be on 100% of all the guide cameras I've seen) then yes you need another method of connecting the guide camera to the mount.

Shoestring do a similar adaptor GPUSB ( http://www.store.shoestringastronomy.com/products.htm )

Check your guide camera first - it should have the ST-4 connection. All you need is the ST-4 cable.


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Not sure why you'd need that maybe a  glorified RS232 to USB converter, anyway it says it connects to an ST4 port on your guide camera, which guide camera do you have ?

If your mount has a guider socket and your guide camera has an ST4 port you should have a cable that came with the camera to connect them then select the on camera option in PHD which hopefully will have a drop down list with your camera in it.


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7 hours ago, Anthony1979 said:

I thought you need one of these

You only need an interface if your guide camera doesn't have an ST4 port.  If you are going to use a camera such as a webcam or a camera that doesn't have an ST4 port then you need the interface to provide an opto-isolated connection between the computer and the mount, or in your case the handset. Guide cameras have this already installed so you don't need one for these cameras.

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