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Hello from Haslemere, Surrey


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Finally took the plunge with my first scope - a Sky-Watcher Star Discovery 150i. Luckily the views from my back garden aren’t too bad, and I've been able to get some practice in.

I seem to be between various astronomy groups, and I'm booked on the Hampshire Astronomical Group course in September.

While I find the talks at the group interesting, what I feel I'm missing is a decent run down of any local star parties (it seems the groups like to put "talks" on the event pages but I never see actual gazing listed?). I'd like to take the scope out somewhere darker locally, and wonder if anyone in my area knows of any good spots (I was considering the punch bowl, thursley common or black down). I've been out to Iping Common, but I have to say I'd rather have some company. I was out there in the car park for a few hours by myself last Monday (too muddy to progress further) and my other half rightly expressed some concerns about being there by myself.

Anyway - hello 👋

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Welcome Mike. My group is not too far away and we do plan in dark sky trips to the South Downs although they are often cancelled due to the weather.


You are welcome to join us at a meeting/observing session on the green near Esher though.

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2 minutes ago, mike-t said:

Hi Stu - Thanks! 

Esher might be a bit of a hike for me to attend, but I'd be interested in the dark sky trips. I've bookmarked the site.

Ah yes, you are further than I thought.

There are some good dark sites near to you. We have been down to Bignor a few times, decently dark there.

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4 hours ago, MarkAR said:

Hello Mike, I'm fairly close to you in Guildford. I'm still waiting for my SkyGuider but was looking on Googlemaps and light pollution maps for suitable places to try out.

Thursley, Hankley and Puttenham commons look promising.


Ranmore is good too if that is close.

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Hi Mike, welcome also from me.  We are lucky here in Swindon because though with have talks at our club, we also have a small group of observers, sometimes it is just two or three of us and we text or email when we are going out.  I appreciate your frustration but I find a number of our club members are 'armchair' astronomers, so we have a small, but lively group of members.  Good luck and clear skies!

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