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New to me: Large dob in need of TLC


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Today I've had a pleasant drive down to see @AdeKing thanks to his posting in the classifieds at the tail end of last year looking for a new keeper for his 12" Darkstar dob which needs a bit of attention to get back into use, as documented in these two threads of his:



which I now need to go and re-read.

Ade made sure I knew how big it was before I committed to taking it on, but finally standing next to it I discovered there's a difference between "knowing" and "understanding" :D  It's, err, quite large.  About 6' 6" when on the base, in fact.  Good job I took the Octavia estate down rather than my Fiesta.  (it did actually fit into the Octavia without any real bother, though I'm not sure I could have taken a passenger too.)

Thank you, Ade (and to the other SGL members who I understand have contributed parts to help out).  I'm looking forward to having it working already.

I have been speaking to the school my children attend about doing some astronomy outreach as they do an astronomy co-curricular course and I hope to use it for that, either here or at the school.  If it seems to go well then I'll get in touch with other local schools to see if they're interested.  I'll post pictures in a new thread as I make progress, but there are plenty in Ade's threads so for now here's just one now it's standing in my workshop waiting for me to get a plan of action together.



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16 minutes ago, Frank the Troll said:

Too much for me to lug around, you better get to the gym more often

It's actually surprisingly light (though it doesn't have the mirror in at the moment).  It's the size that makes it awkward more than anything.  I think I might make a barrow for it, just to make it easier to move all in one go.


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Good to see it's gone to a good home.

Seriously considered taking it on, as I live just up the coast from Ade, but my horizons are a bit high for a ground level dob. Plus the size might have been a bit too much for me.

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It was a pleasure to meet you @JamesF I'm just happy to see it go to someone who will give it that bit of TLC that it needs to get it back in regular use.

I'm really pleased to hear about the outreach, I think that would be a great use of it.

I'll keep an eye out for the renovation thread.


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I've just been re-reading Ade's threads linked above and noted his comment about the mirror having a piece of masking tape on the rear with "ND 72" written on it.  I wonder if that's a reference to the focal length?  John suggested that it is the 12" f/6 model which would give a focal length of 72".


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