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Meade etx 90 polar alignment issues

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I need someone who preferably has used or managed to get good polar alignment with Thier etx mount range.

I have leveled the tripod.

Made sure the latitude is correct for my location.

Made sure longitude and latitude are set for my location in the hand controller settings.

I have pointed the mount/scope/tripod north and made sure the scope force are level.

I put the scope into polar home position if I then try any of the alignment methods

The scope is way out from where the mount thinks the object is to where it actually is.


Am I missing an vital step??

It says on the instructions to move the wedge/mount only to get Polaris in view but my mount/wedge is fixed to the tripod so if I moved it I would have to move the whole tripod which would of course mess with it being level.


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AltAz mounts need to be level, but Eq mounts don't, roughly level will do, as you'll be messing up the level with the Polar Alignment..

In the Home Position the OTA needs to be pointing at the NCP, but without a polar scope this is tricky.

You could centre Polaris in a high mag eyepiece, by adjusting the North leg for Dec, and sliding the tripod legs for Az adjustment, then you're about 3/4 degree out.

If you can you could offset 3/4 degree towards the edge of the eyepiece at the right clock position for the Time of Day, then you're much closer to NCP. There are apps such as PolarisView and PC progs  to aid you.

Then carry out an Alignment. If it says centre Polaris then do so with the handset if you did the edge of eyepiece tweak, otherwise hit enter if Polaris is already centred.

Alternatively do a Drift Alignment after offsetting in the eyepiece, then go back to Home position, which should now be pretty close to the NCP, and carry out an Alignment.

Takes me back 10 years to when I had an ETX 125 on a wedge !


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