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Canon 550D ?


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Hi All

I currently use a Nikon D300. I've been thinking of getting a dedicated astrocam at some point, but have just been offered a Canon 550D for £150.

How does this rate for astro? Main use would be prime focus imaging on my Esprit 100 refractor.

As I see it, this may be better than my Nikon, in that the sensor has more MP (18 compared to 12), I can more easily get it astro-modded and use clip-in filters, and it's easier to control with astro-software.

What do folks think?


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I think compared to a dedicated astro camera costing well over £1,000 this is a bargain.

I have been using an unmodified 550D for well over a year with my SCT. It's a nice camera, takes a fair bit of abuse, being left outside in freezing damp conditions and is easily controlled using APT. All of the pictures in my telescopius album were taken with this camera.

Hope this helps!

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I had great result using a modded 500D so I'm sure the 550D would do a decent Job. It doesn't have the sort after flip out screen like the 650D onwards, but you only really miss this feature if you're used to having it. 

Edited by Lockie
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Update -

Sadly the 550D turned out to be a 350D 😣 , so I won't be going for it after all.  Never mind, maybe next time!  I may look on some websites though and see what's about.

Thanks to everyone for chipping-in their thoughts - much appreciated :)


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5 minutes ago, Astrokev said:

Update -

Sadly the 550D turned out to be a 350D 😣 , so I won't be going for it after all.  Never mind, maybe next time!  I may look on some websites though and see what's about.

Thanks to everyone for chipping-in their thoughts - much appreciated :)


Try MPB photographic and Wex for used cameras or lenses...


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