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M13 revisited


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I posted a couple of images a while back of M13 in hopes to get some feed back.  The big take away for me was the fact that I had sharpened the image too much.  I agreed with that assessment, and I started over...my main goal was not to fall into the same pitfalls I did before.  I definitely succeeded in reducing the sharpening--but the palette  is proving to be as slippery as an eel.  Here is the new image (2 actually--an RGB and an LRGB version) and finally the original.

I like the fact that the closter has a much larger profile in the original--but the palette is too green (I think) and the core is overly sharpened.  Also--the cluster looks like a plate--flat, instead of like a ball.  It does not seem to bulge out toward you in the center and away at the edges.  I tried not to be too aggressive with my stretches, so the stars wouldnt get blown, while attempting to impart some color to the red giants and blue stragglers.  Have I suceeded in improveving the image?  

Thanks for looking


LRGB-TOA 130, ASI 1600, 14 hours equally split between RGL, superluminance created with RGB subs









Edited by Rodd
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All fine renditions of a tricky target rodd

I would be happy with either but if I was forced to make a choice, I’d probably pick the lrgb 

I love this target, it has a special place in my heart as it was the first DSO I saw through my first 12” goto “motorbike replacing man toy” and I was blown away by it and wanted to share which lead to astrophotography! 
I have yet to take an image of this wonderful globular cluster that I am completely happy with and when I do, it’ll be on the wall! 
thanks for sharing 


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20 minutes ago, assouptro said:

All fine renditions of a tricky target rodd

I would be happy with either but if I was forced to make a choice, I’d probably pick the lrgb 

I love this target, it has a special place in my heart as it was the first DSO I saw through my first 12” goto “motorbike replacing man toy” and I was blown away by it and wanted to share which lead to astrophotography! 
I have yet to take an image of this wonderful globular cluster that I am completely happy with and when I do, it’ll be on the wall! 
thanks for sharing 


Thanks Bryan.  Your experience sounds wonderdous.  A similar thing happened to me when I first saw Saturn.  I too wanted to do AP.  But that was in the days of film and I didn’t stand a chance.  40 years later I finally was able to realize the dream


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I think I have a better solution--Here is a blend of the original and the LRGB image.  Cprrect me if I am wrong, but I think this looks more like a globular cluster as far as palette--and its bigger.  The diffraction pattern is back--but ya can't have everything!



Edited by Rodd
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Rodd, as superb an image that it is and maybe you did over sharpen the original, though to me it looked fine, very fine in fact. On this latest image to me the outer stars look a bit pink/purple which I have not seen before on any image of this target and for sure not mine (not in your class). That is how it is coming across on my monitor, which is a very high quality one and is meant to give accurate colour rendition. Any thoughts?


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Ok I'll be the odd one out too and like your original more than the LRGB / RGB image purely because I didn't like how the brighter stars looks like and plus the bright stars had a sort of black ring around the edge of the star. 

Saying that, now I really love the blend of original and LRGB image. That's by far my favourite. 

Like Bryan said, I would be more than happy with any of the above images. They're all superb in their own way. 

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Both reprocesses give more impression of dynamic range and I prefer the colour rendition as well.  I have a preference for the RGB version with the marginally brighter core, but that is pure aesthetics, there isn't a right or wrong with this.  The propeller shows nicely in both.  I think you have got the processing spot on and you will soon start to go cross eyed as you dance on the head of a pin!!

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9 hours ago, Rodd said:

Thanks Bryan.  Your experience sounds wonderdous.  A similar thing happened to me when I first saw Saturn.  I too wanted to do AP.  But that was in the days of film and I didn’t stand a chance.  40 years later I finally was able to realize the dream


Oh yeah! 
I forgot about Saturn! It’s been so long since I’ve seen a decent view of that wondrous planet!

I used to love sharing the view through my eyepiece with anyone who cared to look and watch their reaction as they realise that “star” is actually a ringed planet! 

I don’t do much planetary imaging, it’s a different skill set and we haven’t been ideally aligned for it in the northern hemisphere for quite some time. 
I have just been looking at some old m13 images I took last year and I think I may have a go at reprocessing.

Thanks for reminding me!
At least you can process the data and try new techniques  when it’s cloudy! 


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7 hours ago, alan potts said:

Rodd, as superb an image that it is and maybe you did over sharpen the original, though to me it looked fine, very fine in fact. On this latest image to me the outer stars look a bit pink/purple which I have not seen before on any image of this target and for sure not mine (not in your class). That is how it is coming across on my monitor, which is a very high quality one and is meant to give accurate colour rendition. Any thoughts?



6 hours ago, souls33k3r said:

Ok I'll be the odd one out too and like your original more than the LRGB / RGB image purely because I didn't like how the brighter stars looks like and plus the bright stars had a sort of black ring around the edge of the star. 

Saying that, now I really love the blend of original and LRGB image. That's by far my favourite. 

Like Bryan said, I would be more than happy with any of the above images. They're all superb in their own way. 


2 hours ago, MartinB said:

Both reprocesses give more impression of dynamic range and I prefer the colour rendition as well.  I have a preference for the RGB version with the marginally brighter core, but that is pure aesthetics, there isn't a right or wrong with this.  The propeller shows nicely in both.  I think you have got the processing spot on and you will soon start to go cross eyed as you dance on the head of a pin!!

Thanks guys for looking.  Someone said that none of these palettes are really correct for globular clusters, which are predominantly white, red and blue stars.  So, with that in mind, I reprocessed the image--much more simly--it took 10 minutes instead of 3 days.  Here it is with, what I think is a more correct palette.  Maybe a tad too blue.  I think the star profiles are better, though teh diffraction pattern is still present around the 2 brightest stars.  i have learned with this image that I will never get everything just right....some concessions have to be made.  Please let me know if the train left teh tracks and I crashed!




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That looks nice and more like my own colour but better definition, I guess those Takacashi's are worth the price tag, would still like one. The sharpness of those tiny outer stars is just quite brilliant. I would say this is a beautiful shot of a lovely object, I don't really see anyone could criticise it, for sure not me.


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1 hour ago, alan potts said:

That looks nice and more like my own colour but better definition, I guess those Takacashi's are worth the price tag, would still like one. The sharpness of those tiny outer stars is just quite brilliant. I would say this is a beautiful shot of a lovely object, I don't really see anyone could criticise it, for sure not me.


Thanks Alan...your opinion means a lot.  I feel as if I finally am on the right track.  Much appreciated


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