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full moon fun time with a slow telescope


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I don't make life easy for myself sometimes....

I have had some pleasing results lately from my new(ish) camera and telescope combo but having  collected a few scopes over the years and spending long periods on the same objects the boredom was starting to creep in. 

We haven't exactly been spoiled this winter in the NW and when a couple of clear nights were forecast last week instead of just switching on and aligning on a familiar object I decided to change scopes.

I rushed home from work at about 6.30, swapped my f6 ed100 for an F10 8inch meade sct. I was originally going to use my 6.3 Focal reducer Field flattener but I had forgotten the spacing requirements and was getting horrible coma, at this point, its dark and clear for the first time in yonks and I still have to cook tea for the family, so I quickly swapped for my TSflat2 that was being used on the ed100 and got pretty good initial results. 

That's it then.

I am resigned to imaging at F10 not F6(ish) as I had wanted but hey, lets see what happens, Its a pretty full moon anyway so a good time to experiment!

Night 1....which clouded up about 11pm

40 min ha  2x20min Bin 1 on the helical Bok globule in the rosette.



Night 1 and 2  1 hr40 Ha and 1 hr Sii on the tadpoles in IC410



Night 2.......clear all night 

2hr 40min ha and 2 hr sii on the owl nebula M97



The question is... do I continue with one or more of these and see whats possible? or should I return to the familiar comfort of a shorter focal length? 

Any input greatly appreciated. 

Many Thanks 



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2 hours ago, DaveS said:

With that image scale I'd be looking at the Owl, though all look interesting, especially the Rosette Bok globules.

Thanks Dave 

the Rosette Bok globule interest is as a result of my wider rosette image

that was liked by a member of this forum (glowingturnip) who pointed out the Bok globule and it’s interesting shape whicjh he described as “a so-called elephant's trunk - they are caused when a knot of heavy density gas is able to withstand the strong solar winds from the stars in the centre of the nebula better than the lower density gas around it and protects the gas behind it in its shadow, causing the pillar.  However, what's special about this one is the helical nature - magnetic field lines and electrical current flowing along the axis of the pillar have cause the material to swirl around it, creating those 4 or more intertwined helixes that you can just about make out”

I looked at the image and thought, yeah! That’s interesting and deserves a closer look! 
But yeah, the owl probably deserves a few more hours and some colour! 


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Fabulous!  Definitely worth continuing although it might be worth sorting out the spacing for the reducer flattender, around 110mm IIRC.  I love those tadpoles, they stand out beautifully and I definitely think worth pursuing.

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40 minutes ago, MartinB said:

Fabulous!  Definitely worth continuing although it might be worth sorting out the spacing for the reducer flattender, around 110mm IIRC.  I love those tadpoles, they stand out beautifully and I definitely think worth pursuing.

Thanks Martin, 

The tadpoles are Interesting shapes and deserve a bit more time. 

With regards the spacing of the fr/ff, I’m sure I have achieved it before with the adapters I own. 
I’ll have another go, it will speed up the imaging time, but it will Alter the FOV and the flats / dark flats I have taken so far will need redoing. Ah well, there’s always another hurdle in this hobby! 



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