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Lovely session late afternoon / early evening today.  Out from 4.50 pm to 6.25 pm in observatory with SW 120ED on Ercole mount, visual obs with binoviewer and 16.8 mm Orthos, some single frames taken with Olympus E-M5 Mk11.   The frame below was taken at 5.49 pm, 1/250 sec at 400 asa, the close-ups are crops of the same frame.

Copernicus was placed close to the terminator and as good a view as I can recall having - I can't remember a better one.  The best time was from as soon as I had set up until about 6.00 pm when, as the sun rose, some of the detail fell away and the view was far less dramatic than it had been - though still well worthwhile.  I stopped observing at one time to put an alert on SGL and also to shut the observatory roof at one stage when heavy rain briefly interrupted.  Visually Copernicus and it's environs, the N of Mare Imbrium and the s Highlands were really spectacular.  My rather low-res images don't do it justice, but at least I have a momento of a very memorable session.


** FEB 4TH  -  Replaced crop of Copernicus with a slightly brighter version.










Edited by paulastro
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Hi  Paul,  lovely images as per usual. I was also out observing the moon, although a little later than yourself, from around 6.45 pm to 8pm, with my 130mm F6 APO, and as you say the view of Copernicus in particular, was stunning and indeed memorable. Thanks for reminding me, as there was simply far too much detail to sketch. An ideal lunation and declination in fact.    Cheers  Chris.

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