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NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula first go at narrowband


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Hi all, this is my first go at narrowband imaging. Total integration time of 3h 40min.

Atik One 6.0 with Baader narrowband filters

Skywatcher Evostar 80ed

EQ6 Pro

Guided with a Touptek guide cam and a 50mm guide scope

Ha 17 x 300s

Oiii 13 x 300s

Sii 14 x 300s

Flats and Bias calibrated. I did shoot darks, but it seems they somehow added noise to the stacked image, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyway I left them out on purpose.

Stacked in DSS and processed in Photoshop, filters mapped to SHO. I'm planning on adding more data if the coulds ever clear. I'm still relatively new to all this so I welcome any advice. So what do you guys think? :)






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Yep, very good Bubble.

When I process the data from my SX 694 (Same sensor) I to find calibrating with Bias and Flat only works much better than adding Dark as well, something that Terry at SX notes in the user manual.

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