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Widefield Cone plus variable Nebula


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Took this image of the Cone Nebula area commonly referred to as the Christmas tree on Tuesday night, only got 70 mins as I left the draw of my observatory desk open and discovered when I went do close up that the camera was hitting the draw and had stalled the mount for over an hour. Luckily I never lock the EQ6 clutches very tight so it can just slip. 7 x 10 mins with my Atik460EX CCD & Altair Starwave 70mm ED & 0.6 reducer @ F3.6. Guided, captured, stacked and stretched in MaximDL, processed in Photoshop.

The object 1/3rd of the way down the right edge is not an optical aberration but a real object called Gyulbudaghian’s Nebula, classed as a BiPolar variable nebula. CORRECTION, I miss identified it, its actually Hubbles variable Nebula, Oh dear I must be loosing it LOL


Edited by Magnum
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12 hours ago, Graham Darke said:

Beautiful image but the nebula on the right is Hubble's Variable Nebula I think.

Oh see your right, I feel a real Twit now, I didn't know what it was so just googled weird object near cone nebula and saw photo of Gyulbudaghian’s Nebula, now I see they look almost identical. I should have checked on a sky map before assuming it was that one.

Im usually very careful about identifying objects, they aren't even in the same constellation LOL



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Stunning image, I love this area.  I've had my EQ6 come to stop, when my camera rested against the pier, on occasions.  It's not the clutches, its just the motors that stall.  Clutches should be tight :D


Edited by tooth_dr
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