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Synscan / stellarium master control

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Today I was contemplating getting a laptop to control my synscan Goto mount so I tested everything out on my pc first.

Everything went fine and stellarium can indeed connect to my mount and it slews and what not (intermittently)

I went into the setting of stellarium and it says to control the mount I would need to press the alt key and the the number for that telescope. 

Is the number for my telescope referring to which com port it's on or another number?? (As I tried this and it didn't go to the target selected)

Also it was obviously roughly aligned due to it being daytime.

Also will powering via 8 AA batteries cause issues when using stellarium as the control??

I was thinking of getting one of the skywatcher power banks to power it so if anyone has any info on any of my questions I would be greatly appreciative.


Thank you...

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The number to select and control the telescope will be set up by you. The first being 1 and any addition being 2.

Depending on the exact hardware involved, you may also have to select a computer port and be sure to use the same port each time you set up the cables.

This laptop has a handwritten sticker on it which reads: "Stellarium 'goto' Ctrl+1".  Another sticker has an arrow and "Port 3 -Scopes."

Few users think that powering the mount with 8x AA cells is a serious option. You could use any sort of suitable external power from any supplier, but the Skywatcher power tank will do fine.

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3 hours ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

The number to select and control the telescope will be set up by you. The first being 1 and any addition being 2.

Depending on the exact hardware involved, you may also have to select a computer port and be sure to use the same port each time you set up the cables.

This laptop has a handwritten sticker on it which reads: "Stellarium 'goto' Ctrl+1".  Another sticker has an arrow and "Port 3 -Scopes."

Few users think that powering the mount with 8x AA cells is a serious option. You could use any sort of suitable external power from any supplier, but the Skywatcher power tank will do fine

The problem is did out how to set the scope as number as there is no info I can find on the issue.

For some reason if I try and slew using ctrl and any number nothing seems to work. Occasionally it will move for a split second but nothing more will happen.

Also if I bring up the menu and press slew nothing happens.


On occasion my hand controller will flash from one menu to the other and will be stuck like that until I unplug it from the serial port Inthe pc.


Every video I've seen on stellarium controling mounts has been set up super easy but none of the videos ever go into much detail Inthe full behind the scenes setup methods.

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4 minutes ago, Lordspace said:

The problem is did out how to set the scope as number as there is no info I can find on the issue.

For some reason if I try and slew using ctrl and any number nothing seems to work. Occasionally it will move for a split second but nothing more will happen.

Also if I bring up the menu and press slew nothing happens.


On occasion my hand controller will flash from one menu to the other and will be stuck like that until I unplug it from the serial port Inthe pc.


Every video I've seen on stellarium controling mounts has been set up super easy but none of the videos ever go into much detail Inthe full behind the scenes setup methods.

The telescope number 1,2,3 etc refers to the mount setup number. The first mount  you set up in Stellarium is #1, the next one #2 etc. Pressing crtl +1 will move the mount to the selected target (place the cursor over the target and press left mouse button to select). Using Alt + 1 will move the mount to the centre of the screen. If you have a second mount profile use crtl + 2 and Alt + 2.  A third will use crtl + 3 and Alt + 3 etc.

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1 minute ago, Cornelius Varley said:

The telescope number 1,2,3 etc refers to the mount setup number. The first mount  you set up in Stellarium is #1, the next one #2 etc. Pressing crtl +1 will move the mount to the selected target (place the cursor over the target and press left mouse button to select). Using Alt + 1 will move the mount to the centre of the screen. If you have a second mount profile use crtl + 2 and Alt + 2.  A third will use crtl + 3 and Alt + 3 etc.

Will powering via AA batteries stop stallerium from moving the mount as I've tried many times, by clicking on an object in stellarium and then using ctrl #1 but nothing happens 😕 ive seen people align the mount/scope in the daytime without actually seeing the stars so I'm sure my alignment isn't the issue but I could be wrong.

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5 minutes ago, Lordspace said:

Will powering via AA batteries stop stallerium from moving the mount as I've tried many times, by clicking on an object in stellarium and then using ctrl #1 but nothing happens 😕 ive seen people align the mount/scope in the daytime without actually seeing the stars so I'm sure my alignment isn't the issue but I could be wrong.

AA batteries won't last very long, you should get either a 12v battery or a regulated 12v psu with at least 2 amps output for the az mount

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18 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

AA batteries won't last very long, you should get either a 12v battery or a regulated 12v psu with at least 2 amps output for the az mount

After messing around pressing ctrl and 1 or ages I then realised I had to hold Ctrl then just tap 1 rather than hold it down.

I have some old 3s lipos from my flying wing that are 4000mha if i added a 12v reg and attached a xt60 to a positive pin lead do you think that would have enough juice to power the mount better than AA batteries. 

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