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EQ6 Pro - Should I upgrade OR replace??

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Hi Guys! My first post :)

I’ve decided to take the plunge and begin the hobby..or addiction of Astrophotography! 

About 8 years ago I purchased a 2nd hand EQ6-pro, I’ve only ever really used it for visual through a 6 inch Newtonian. All I could see was grey fuzz or the moon!lol so I got bored and put it away in a cupboard!

For a few years now I’ve been taking wide field Astro photos using my DSLR and 14/24mm prime lenses which has given me the bug again!

I want to start taking images of galaxies and nebulae and all that good stuff which I simply can’t get with with my wide lenses.

My plan was to get a small refractor like a WO Z61 or Z73, field flattener and mount my 6D DSLR to it, Plus use a small auto guiding package.

Run everything off a laptop 


My question really is...is my mount up to imaging?

Things have come on a long way in mount technology I guess since I last looked at buying one so I’m wondering, imaging wise if I’m best selling on the old EQ6 pro and buying something more up to date?


If my old mount is able to work and work well is there anything I can do to it to improve it?..Strip and Regrease ...Belt Mod...??

ive never had it apart before, nor do I really know how it was used before I bought it so it might need a good going over it might not...is there any way to tell for potential issues?

Im happy to do any work myself I’m pretty handy with mechanics 


looking for advice really wether to stick with this mount or look for something new.

if new, max budget is around £800


any advice greatly appreciated :)



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My advice, as a user of a 2009 EQ6-pro, is that it’s still a perfectly good mount. 
Imaging with a telescope and autoguider is different from what your currently doing with a lens.  I would suggest spending a season getting to grips with that and if you notice any issues then consider modifying it. 

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Sound advice there from @tooth_dr.

Your EQ6-pro is still a good mount and with your budget (even when adding in the money from selling the old) you won't see a significant jump in either preformance or accuracy. Give it a season or two, if you are new to astrophotography with a telescope you will find out that there are a lot more of other potential problems than the mount alone. When you are able to tell from your images or guiding graphs that the mount is holding you back, then it's time to upgrade or replace.

Starting out with a small refractor as you have planned is a wise choise, it will be an easy load for the mount to carry and it will be very forgiving when it comes to the tracking accuracy of your mount.

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I suppose a regrease is good, if the mount has a few years on its neck. When old, some grease tend to get chunky/hard.

Other than that, it is a good and capable mount, so I would see how it performs first, before taking any decisions. I'm that "use what you have and see how it does kind of guy"

It might just do very fine. I am also planning to get into the AP-hole. With an 115/800 triplet and an AVX mount, I'm sure I am in for a real blast. Avx is maybe not the best imaging mount, but found it used for good price, so planning to follow my own advice and see how it works first.


I'm sure your mount will perform excellent with a little new lube and a small frac on it. 

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Hi Ant

Welcome from Land Down Under

I have a EQ5pro mount now for over 10 years with a ED80 mounted on it

12 months ago, I purchased a SolarMax 11, and fits the same mount

I had to update the firmware in my SynScan controller, assume you have Version 3 as well

My astronomy shop updated the firmware for me, when purchased the Solarmax, as they had updated files stored on their work laptop

The attached pic was taken at a recent club solar public viewing day, and mount in background is also an HEQ5

Few of the club members have also updated their HEQ mounts from gear to belt drive conversion kit

I also recently purchased the WiFi adapter, and downloaded the SynScan App

Hope I have been of assistance




Skywatcher ED80.jpg

SynScan wifi adaptor.jpg

Screenshot SynScan APP.jpg

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21 hours ago, AntHart said:

Hi Guys! My first post :)

I’ve decided to take the plunge and begin the hobby..or addiction of Astrophotography! 

About 8 years ago I purchased a 2nd hand EQ6-pro, I’ve only ever really used it for visual through a 6 inch Newtonian. All I could see was grey fuzz or the moon!lol so I got bored and put it away in a cupboard!

For a few years now I’ve been taking wide field Astro photos using my DSLR and 14/24mm prime lenses which has given me the bug again!

I want to start taking images of galaxies and nebulae and all that good stuff which I simply can’t get with with my wide lenses.

My plan was to get a small refractor like a WO Z61 or Z73, field flattener and mount my 6D DSLR to it, Plus use a small auto guiding package.

Run everything off a laptop 


My question really is...is my mount up to imaging?

Things have come on a long way in mount technology I guess since I last looked at buying one so I’m wondering, imaging wise if I’m best selling on the old EQ6 pro and buying something more up to date?


If my old mount is able to work and work well is there anything I can do to it to improve it?..Strip and Regrease ...Belt Mod...??

ive never had it apart before, nor do I really know how it was used before I bought it so it might need a good going over it might not...is there any way to tell for potential issues?

Im happy to do any work myself I’m pretty handy with mechanics 


looking for advice really wether to stick with this mount or look for something new.

if new, max budget is around £800


any advice greatly appreciated :)



A EQ6 pro will easily handle those scopes with a 6D and much much more.

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Its still a cracking mount - you could spend a lot more money and see only a small improvement.

I would strip it, clean it and regrease it and take your time rebuilding it to get rid of every bit of backlash that you can.

Just follow this guide step by step.  http://www.astro-baby.com/EQ6 rebuild guide/EQ6 Strip Down Home.htm

It will easily carry two of the outfits you are proposing!


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