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LBN552 and other dust/reflection nebulae


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LBN552 appears as a small orange patch to the lower left of this image, with dark dust and reflection nebulae from the borders of Cepheus, Ursa Minor and Draco. This was a bit of a rescue job as had a bunch of problems during initial acquisition - mount lost power at one point, then auto-focus failed during the second half of the night (still dialling it in with the new scope). Polar alignment is way off as I think the pier has shifted a bit since I last used it, so lots of field rotation caused the outer 10% to be unusable once stacked. I need to make a better flats box too so this is just a crop from the centre of the image complete with dust bunnies. needs four or five times the amount of data really so the overall effect is a bit waxy at the moment, but still it is a pleasing start.

Full version here: https://www.blackwaterskies.co.uk/2020/01/lbn552/


Acquisition: William Optics GT81, WO Flat 6AIII 0.8x reducer, ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool, Atik EFW2, Astronomik LRGB 1.25″
Mount/Guiding: Orion ST80, QHY 5, PHD2, Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod, Sequence Generator Pro
Processing: PixInsight 1.8.8
Dates: Dec. 18th 2020
Lights: L 60 x 120s, R 30 x 120s, G 30 x 120s, B 30 x 120s, Unity Gain, -15C
Bias: No
Darks: 100
Flats: No

Edited by IanL
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