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HELP!! Whats up with my data !? NGC 2024 Flame Nebula

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I have tried processing this data but am struggling tbh. 

if someone could have a look and see what they can do with it, or flag up any issues I'd really appreciate it. Link to Dropbox below. 

flame nebula, 

35 X 120 sec iso 800 

10 x Darks 

taken with 72ED and Nikon D610, Star Adventurer. 


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Yes, part of gradient is due to not taking flats.

Otherwise image looks good, and is not nearly as noisy.

There is a bit of trailing of the stars, but it's not much. I'll try to do synthetic flat to see if that will help and will try processing it a bit to see what I can get.


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Yes, here is green channel "flat fielded" (sorry, I'm no expert at flat fielding without actual flats and only synthetic thing):


This shows that nothing is inherently wrong with the data, but yes, image is severely vignetted.

Belt of Orion is really shining, so there is not much helping there, they are going to have that severe halo ...


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It was quite difficult to process without flats, so I had to use some gradient exterminator and do a crop of the two Left and right ends to get rid of the remnants of vignetting.  It's a bit overstretched but just to show you potentially what is there. 

I can just about see the horsehead.

The main problem is the lack of flats.  Longer subs (5mins) and guiding would show more. 





Edited by carastro
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