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Samyang 85mm Camera Lens

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Hi everyone! I was wondering whether any of you have had any experience with the Samyang 85mm camera lens for astrophotography? I was looking at the 135mm version but it is way out of my league price wise. If any of you have had any luck with the 85mm could you please let me know/post example pictures down below! I would be attaching it to a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer and a Canon 1100D to make a portable setup. Clear skies! 

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It's a Canon 85mm f1.8 that I use on same camera stopped down to f4, I quite like the fov it gives. Great star colours from it but needs f4 as does have a bit of CA wide open. I'm not sure how similar the Samyung is. You might find examples on Astrobin.

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I should add that this canon 85mm does not focus past infinity so might present a problem on a modified camera.

If you use the FOV calculator you can see what framing you would get. This is the canon 85mm with the 1100d on Orion, so it is a wide field view.


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On 20/01/2020 at 21:43, AstroComet3 said:

experience with the Samyang 85mm camera lens

I've used the lens a couple of times. I used a TS Optics EoS adapter to fit the lens to my Atik 428ex (before I sold it). I found it very difficult to get the spacing corrent to allow me to achieve focus. I've got a few images produced with the lens (on a hard disk somewhere!) but I didn't post on this forum. I initially used the lens with a Geoptik EoS adapter; one night it detached itself from the adapter and bounced around the patio! Testament to the lens that it suffered no damage at all - the lens hood took the impact and even that was barely marked.

Of the two lenses the 135mm is amazing and I love using it - although at the moment I am tending to use my Canon 200mm more.

Good luck.

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