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Belt mod or upgrade........

paul mc c

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Hello all,i have an EQ6 Pro that i am happy with,getting 8 min subs,guided with out and trailing,i could go more only for the light pollution.

My question is should i get the mount belt modded or should i upgrade the mount,and how hard is it to do the mod my self.


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Hi Paul

When I added belts to my EQ6 the tracking according to PHD2 was about 2-2.5 times better (based on RMS values) - this was significant.  The EQ6 is hard enough to do yourself, nothing like the HEQ5 where you just remove a panel and can see and feel the belts as you tension them.  I had to strip mine back down a second time due to the dec belt slipping off, but this was because I hadnt aligned the cogs exactly.  Once this was sorted my mount has been excellent and reliable and quiet.

If you decided to upgrade, what would you be think of going for?



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7 minutes ago, JamesF said:

If you can image to the limit of your LP without a problem, I'd have to ask why bother to upgrade at all?  What could an upgrade get you that you don't already have?


That is my thinking James...it probably is "cloudy night,need a change, itchy finger,syndrome"apparently its a real condition.😱.

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