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I think it's time has passed. I did my early imaging with one and was pleased at the time (see attached but be kind). But something like an ASI120MC is just leagues better.

If you have one then why not give it a go...nothing to lose 🙂



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11 minutes ago, vernmid said:

I think it's time has passed. I did my early imaging with one and was pleased at the time (see attached but be kind). But something like an ASI120MC is just leagues better.

If you have one then why not give it a go...nothing to lose 🙂



Worth a play, as its just sitting in the draw and might try it out on the polar scope for sharpcap polar align

The ASI120MC is already on the cards will pass the spc900 on when I get one



Edited by Frank the Troll
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I'm not sure it will work at all as a polar alignment tool.  I've used one as a guide cam on an 80mm F5 scope  (ST80) and it struggled to pickup stars, and in some areas of the sky eg M51, I couldn't get a guide star.

I still have three of them, one is the original that came in the yellow egg.  I've modified it for LX and also have a mono one that is cooled, and a standard SPC900NC.  I'll hold onto them as relics of the past but the bad news is, then just don't perform any more to the expected standards!

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Yes, I have several lying about waiting for any possible project for which they might be useful.  I'd guess their main value now is as an ultra-cheap planetary imager for people who can't justify the cost of a modern camera.  The days of people paying £100+ for them are long gone.


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I managed to grab these of Mars and Saturn way back in 2012 when I just got into the hobby. 

Only used a 90mm Mak on an AltAz goto mount. 

I was well chuffed at the time. 






Edited by Bobby1970
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I find it interesting that people are saying the SPC900NC is outdated. Sure it is old, but you can’t argue with results. Here is one of many astonishing images captured by a user on here called olorin. Not only was it on an SPC900NC, he also managed this on a skywatcher explorer 200p!!!!


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Here was my best result with an SPC900NC, also on a skywatcher explorer 200P. It was about 7 years ago, in fairly poor seeing and only about my third attempt at capturing Jupiter. Not as good as Olorin’s but still a picture I was pleased with 


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