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South Wales Astronomy Group (SWAG) Star Party 2020


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With the current Coronavirus issue what are people planning on doing for the SWAG star party next week?

Jill & I are not sure, we both have (what we hope are) slight colds atm, normally we would still turn up, but not sure now.

If I'm going to catch the virus it will probable be at work, I work in an open plan office building  with 2,000 other people who travel all around the world. So the additional risk of socialising with a few friends in a field in Wales is quite small.... However I have  to go to work, but I don't have to attend the star party....

Also if I'm at high risk of catching the virus at work, maybe I should say away to protect you all 😇

What do other people think?

Mick & Jill

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My view is everything will be fine as long as we respect other people's space and take sensible hygiene steps.

If someone has a new cough or high fever then of course one should follow the government advice and self isolate at home.

I think being outdoors and camping is good for ones immunity etc and actually safer than some internal environments.

However this is my personal view. I would respect the campsites decision if they decide to close but otherwise I am keen to proceed.


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I got all my work in the forseable future cancelled due to the virus.... to me that means I need to find more things to do with all this generated free time (being sensible of course). So the more time in an open field, the better!!

I will definitely be attending, in fact I was originally planning to get there Saturday, looking and the weather, im really considering if I can make it there from Thursday but that is still TBC

Looking forward to meeting all the intrepid peeps that make it, if we are allowed to gather by the campsite that is.

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Thanks for the response to my question. 

Our cold doesn't seem to be turning into anything serious 🤧 and being in a field with friends is better than work 😀

So the current plan is to come along next week (see you all on Thursday).

Mick & Jill

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I really don't want to be a party pooper.... but


is everybody choosing to join happy with the maybe unprobable? I personally don't care, assuming that through my age my probs of death are low, happy to move forward and not care.... are you? just wanting to make sure everyone that goes is FULLY aware of probable consequences.... 😘

I hear rumours milling around that might suggest Monsieur Boris might be forcing a compulsory lockdown from Friday onwards for 15 days...

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I also don't want to be a party pooper, but it's not just about not killing Mel Brooks... 😁 

There is a very real risk of the NHS getting swamped with COVID-19 cases if infections grow too quickly,. If this happens people will die - not just of the coronavirus - because they couldn't be treated in time. We are told that social distancing is the best chance of keeping the number of infections as low as possible for as long as possible, and therefore give the NHS a fighting chance.

It is currently a personal choice as to whether you follow the recommended social distancing, but please understand why the powers that be are pleading with everyone to follow their advice... It isn't just simply about whether you catch something that is survivable for you. 

I don't mean to rant, but thought it worth making the situation clear (as I see it). And it definitely is a personal choice.


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You are right!!

it's not only a matter of killing Mel Brooks, it's more about being considerate and mindful towards others and it remains entirely being a personal choice on how seriously to respond to this pandemic!!

On this light and also looking at the poor weather we are most likely to get, it saddens me to say I won't be attending this weekend.

Have fun one and all and hope to meet you sometime soon!!

Chau for now


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3 hours ago, reddoss said:

Arrived and nearly all set up.



Good on you 👍 

Considering all things you may be in the right place. Not many people around you (social distancing) and lots of open country. Hope the Sky's are clear , enjoy 





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I have seen stars tonight but only in gaps in the clouds, pretty murky as well. There. was a 2 to 3 hour clear window forecast earlier but that as been revised to mostly cloudy. The good news is that Saturday and Sunday nights are looking great!

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