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Mono camera


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I’m going to finally get myself a mono camera. 

In terms of other parts to go with the camera I’ve ordered - 7 position 2” filter wheel, baader LRGB filters, baader oiii 8.5nm, baader sii 8nm. I already own a baader ha 7nm filter. Then I’m planning to use an Idas D2 for luminance. 

It’s taken me a while to decide between baader and zwo filters but for now the fact that I already own the HA made the decision for me. 

Am I missing something by not going with the narrower 4.5nm oiii baader ? Has anyone a comparison ? 

Secondly I’m hoping to still image in full colour when the moon is down. Up to now it’s been relatively easy regardless of bortle 5/6 skies. But that was using a D2 filter. Now I’ll have to use the D2 for just luminance and the RGB filters for colour, will these block part of the light pollution ? 

Below is my image of M33 but is this going to be possible using RGB filters without a LP cut ? 






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The individual R-G-B filters from Baader already cuts down on the most normal sources of LP, whether it is enough for your area - well thats hard for me to tell.

But I would think stacking filters could lead to all kinds of problems with reflections and so on, so I would try without first.

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Just now, Ken82 said:

Would it make any difference if I went with the oiii 4.5nm over the  8.5nm ? 

I would not personally as I have heard reports that Baader are bringing out a revision of those filters due to reflections. 

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On paper, Baader filters don't have much of a gap between green and red (sodium and mercury light pollution). Optolong filters (and Astrodon of course) seem better in this respect. If you google "Baader rgb filters" and check the transmission graphs, you'll see. My guess is that they are not very efficient at cutting out light pollution. Otoh, I have found that rgb imaging in general is less sensitive to lp than osc. (That is with zwo filters, which only have a slightly wider gap between red and green than Baader.)

4.5 nm filters block more lp than 8.5 nm filters, but I have also heard that Baader Oiii can suffer from reflections. Some people have no problems, other do.

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I'm not sure how important the gap between Green and Red is these days with the increasing use of BB LED lighting, plus the gap will have minimal effect on HP Na lighting, as the gap coincides with the self-absorption dark band where the Na D lines are.

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