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A bit of fun... design a constellation


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I'm not sure what are we supposed to do?

Identify few stars in above attached image, make them a constellation and tell the story of it, or produce similar looking image that depicts our fictional constellation - and again tell a story related to it?

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It's the " Star Link Constallation".  Legend tells of a mad scientist who in the early part of the 21 century was so possessed by the notion that nature could be improved upon by technology that he filled the night sky with thousands of artificial stars so that we would never again experience the terror of a dark sky.  It is the most unusual constellation in the night sky being visible all year round in each hemisphere :) 


Edited by saac
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Ah, that is easy:


Here we see the "Great Southern Wave" Constellation or Harkoona Chatyu as Hotamte people call it. It is loosely translated as "Wave from the star". Legend has it that star fell from this part of the sky (it is believed that there was another star located roughly in bottom row) into the great waters and raised enormous wave that flooded the lands and created great plains of the south. This was before even time of the elders - legend has it.

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Isn't this basically what European explorers did to the Southern Hemisphere? The Northern constellations are largely based on Roman, Greek and older (Babylonian?) mythology. Whereas European explorers when they "discovered" the South, ignored many existing mythological or indigenous stories and instead concocted ridiculous names such as "Telescopium" Microscopium" "Horologium" "Reticulum" etc

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There once was a mighty celestial hunter, steeped in mythology. Unfortunately he had a dodgy shoulder; it was always red and swollen. Doctors told him that one day his shoulder would fail him.

Indeed, one day his bad shoulder both imploded and exploded at the same time. Now, without two good shoulders it's hard to be a hunter. So he changed careers. Some say he became a shopping trolley, others a pushchair.

Here's how the news broke:


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I call this "Lorna Drives to Tesco". She has an annoying habit of driving around all the back roads to avoid traffic on the main street. Normal time from house to Tesco is about 15 mins. Going Lorna's way could be 50 mins, crossing in and out of 3 counties (Kildare, Meath and Dublin).


Edited by LukeSkywatcher
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7 hours ago, vlaiv said:

Ah, that is easy:


Here we see the "Great Southern Wave" Constellation or Harkoona Chatyu as Hotamte people call it. It is loosely translated as "Wave from the star". Legend has it that star fell from this part of the sky (it is believed that there was another star located roughly in bottom row) into the great waters and raised enormous wave that flooded the lands and created great plains of the south. This was before even time of the elders - legend has it.

Hmmm... I see a twisted 8-membered ring in the Chair conformation with side groups in the 1 and 4 positions. I won't even attempt to name it as I don't know what or where any heteroatoms are, though the two bits sticking out look like the conventional representations of methyl groups.

Sorry, I used to be an organic chemist.

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Constellation Fever.  Worshiped by Babylonians from 2370 bce - 2379 bce. Fever was clerk by trade who lived with his parents until he entered a dance contest and won a trophy.  In 2380 his dance was banned by the king and pretty much everyone else.  

travolta - Copy.jpg

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