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What can I expect to get out of joining an astronomy society?


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Hi all, first off, merry Christmas to you all.

I was looking into joining a local astronomy society and, I dunno, they seemed ... underwhelming? But then I realised that I don't actually know what to expect from one. 


I know they give occasional talks and presentations from various speakers, but other than that, is it mainly just turning up and having some crisps and a drink and chatting to fellow astronomers? 

Basically what I'm asking is for any information on what you guys/gals get up to at any that you go to. Is it mainly to meet fellow astronomy enthusiasts?




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As John F Kennedy once said

'Ask not what your country can do fo you. Ask what you can do for it' 

You can suggest observing sessions, visit an astronomy related attraction, find a dark sky site not too far away from you so as you can visit with other members. Think of ways that you can benefit the group. 

All the best. 

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First and foremost for me it is like minded companionship. I am 'chairman' of our little astro group, and often all we do is meet at the pub and chat about astro and non astro stuff. We do help new members with questions about kit, and whenever the weather allows we get out and observe. Often it's about flagging significant events or things to observe, and just keeping the interest going with new suggestions.

We remain a small group of under 10 active members, but I get alot from being a member, and we are gradually building up a bigger profile.

Not all groups suit all people though, I prefer the leas formal, more practical side, others enjoy talks and lectures. Find out what suits you.

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What @Stu says... I've really gained loads form joining our club, it's a big, active one and we are soon to commission our observatory, we have courses, talks and informal events. It was a clear night last time we had our 'informal' meeting and there were 20-25 of us imaging and observing at about -2, some of us until well after midnight.

But the best thing about it is regularly meeting up with a great bunch of people who enjoy discussing our very peculiar hobby! It's very friendly (it's not cliquey) and new (and longstanding) people get help and encouragement , lost of us put in time as volunteers etc.

We meet up to go to shows, observing/imaging etc. its not just club meetings.

Many of us have even been sharing photos of Christmas presents etc. today.

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It varies a lot what different clubs do, in my area most clubs focus on talks more than going observing which is what I prefer

As said above though clubs and what they do  are created and shaped by people and anyone can be one of those people.

If I ever have less commitments in real life I would try and get involved in help in a club to be more active but right now that's not possible for me.

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Joining my local astro society (Bristol AS) a few years back has added a big new dimension to my enjoyment of the hobby:

- Regular meetings with others interested in the hobby (rather than boring my family !)

- Great programme of talks from people active in astro research programmes, experienced practitioners etc.

- Opportunity to use the society observatory and equipment.

- Regular observing and outreach events both at the observatory and at other sites around Bristol.

I should have joined years ago !

Not all the members are active observers or imagers by any means but all of us are interested in astronomy from one perspective or another, which makes it very interesting :icon_biggrin:



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At my local society there seems to be a regular bunch who attend the scheduled meetings (usually there's a guest speaker on some astronomy topic they're involved with, I've found them all very interesting - kind of like attending a live Sky At Night feature) and plenty more members who I apparently never see, presumably they just like the sense of belonging.  As members they would have access to the society's loan equipment which can be very useful if you can't afford to splurge or are unsure what to buy, it's a good way to really try out a certain type or size of telescope and mount to see if it's something you could use.

I'm not on the committee but I could be if I wanted, my knowledge of the stars is rather sketchy but that doesn't matter, it's just a hobby after all and there are people of all different levels who attend.

Perhaps if you want your local society to do more then you should get involved, propose what you'd like to see the group doing, join the committee if you like (it's not a big commitment).  If they're not into that sort of thing then maybe that group isn't for you, maybe if you're motivated enough you could start your own group to run alongside the existing one that does the things they don't.

I learned a lot from these forums but joining my local society allowed me to share my hobby and learn a lot more.

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