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Venus with a variable polarizing filter


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Following the suggestion of @orion25 and after looking at a thread he posted a while ago, I tried to get a picture of Venus on the 21st of december using a variable polarizing filter but, when I finally had all my gear (sort of) tunned and ready, the planet was already too low for neither getting a proper focus nor using a barlow. Anyhow, I gave it a try and this is what I've got:


The gear:

    Celestron CPC 800 GPS XLT
    Solomark variable polarizing filter
    Risingcam GPCMOSS02000KMA

The software:

    ToupSky (I was so busy that I forgot, yet again, to write down the capture parameters, sorry)
    The Gimp

As you can see, it came out rather fuzzy and I couldn't get any cloud details. However, I  hope that from now to the 30th of March, when it will reach a peak altitude of 45º above my horizon, I will get more chances to improve it 🤞 (wish me luck!).



Edited by NenoVento
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I will be interested to hear back on how well the variable polarizing filter works on Venus. I have a 1.25mm VP on order which is on 7-10 days delivery. I am really hoping this helps draw out more detail in various planets.





Edited by Barry-W-Fenner
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Hi @Barry-W-Fenner,

I've tried a couple of times but had no much luck. Hopefully from now to March I'll get more opportunities but, to be honest, in my next try I'm thinking on using a #47 violet filter together with an UV/IR cut filter (since I haven't been able to find an only IR-cut filter so far).



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23 hours ago, NenoVento said:

Hi @Barry-W-Fenner,

I've tried a couple of times but had no much luck. Hopefully from now to March I'll get more opportunities but, to be honest, in my next try I'm thinking on using a #47 violet filter together with an UV/IR cut filter (since I haven't been able to find an only IR-cut filter so far).



Not sure you want to use a UV/IR cut filter with the #47 filter. you need the UV part of the spectrum to pass through the filter not be blocked by it.

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30 minutes ago, NenoVento said:

Thanks @Pete Presland, the reason for using the UV/IR is because I read somewhere (probably in CN) that the wartten #47 filters have a window in the IR zone. Anyhow, when I get the chance I will try imiging with and without it.

That's definitely correct, also the older UV filters used to leak IR as well. That's why a IR cut filter is recommended. 

But for cloud detail you need to capture the UVsignal, not block it.

I tried the wratten 47 and an IR cut filter before I owned a Baader UV filter. I never had any luck capturing any detail though. Looking forward to seeing your results, I have seen details captured on Venus images with other filters when I have researching online in the past.

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