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Uranus and Moons


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Hi Folks,

I had a go at imaging Uranus and its moons a few weeks back. I just got round to processing the data. Came out ok, if lacking any real detail in the planet. My puzzle is, when I came to figure out which moon is which with Stellarium, I found 4 of the moons match what I recorded, but one does not. I can easily imagine Miranda being lost in the planets glare, but then what is the bright dot directly above the planet. I can't see any stars in the area and I checked the magnitude isn't limited on the planetarium app.

The video was shot on 09/12/19 at around 21:00. Kit was: LX200 classic, 2x focal extender, ASI224MC.

Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.




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Hmm, thanks for the reply. I think it is actually a star Gaia DR2 ... a magnitude 13 star thats crept into shot masquerading as one of Uranus moons. Damn. Still means I didn't capture all 5 of the possible moons. I will try again next time. :)


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