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Mesu 200 startup error

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Hey guys last time I parked the mesu 200 I put some tape on RA and Dec so I could remember the position of the axes after changing some gear on the scope. When I restarted the mount, after the unpark command , i did a single photo init from the run script menu, inside sitech. The error in position was reported to be some 90 degrees, and I initialized the mount anyway. After that the mount started tracking, and after a few seconds it started to slew on its own and I had to shut the power down to avoid colision with the pier. Last time the mount behaved like this I spent 2 hours to get it to work. I realize that there was a big error in position and the mount tried to correct the position. What I dont understand is why it behaves like this if I put markings on ra and dec  so to prevent this behavior. Last time when I got it to work and track, i deleted my calibration points, set a new park position, park, unpark, photo init and it tracked. This time around the same routine did not work. It’s starting to be frustrating because i spend more time troubleshooting the mount than enjoying the clear nights. Ideally I should unpark, do a single photo init to initialize the mount and be done with it. 

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Also it’s dark outside now, no clouds, many stars. Can I use my mount? Off course not...... I think I understand now why some folks go for 10 micron mounts or direct drive mounts. Do I have the money for one? Off course not... :)))

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Power down the mount - power on the mount - click unpark - use the handset to slew to a known star - perform basic init - it should stay tracking that star. Then any issued slew should take you to your target. NB - when you do the init make sure the message at the bottom of the page about scope facing East/West is correct before clicking OK!!

Edited by Skipper Billy
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Hi - its not trying to do a Meridian flip is it ???

Its hard to diagnose with knowing what settings you have put into the two pieces of software.

Have you still got the USB stick with the base settings on it that comes with the mount??

It might be worth going back to basics and fresh settings. Then make sure you have the latest software/firmware. Then follow the attached guide to the letter!!!!  (You can tell if you have the latest software when you right click on the park button you will have three park positions to choose from).

The only part of setting it up that caused any issue was setting up the Meridian flip - it needed a bit of messing about between the Mesu settings and the SGP settings but apart from that it was very straightforward.

Now I go out - power up - slew to clear sky and plate solve or slew to known star - sync - up and away.......

Good luck!!!


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Just a thought - what programme are you using to control the mount??

It plays nicely with Carte du Ciel and Stellarium for slewing around and it also works properly with Sequence Generator Pro - I have never tried entering RA and DEC into the Sitech software - in fact I have never touched the SiTech programmes since it was set up.

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not much help I know but I also this problem sometimes and have no idea why it does it

IMO  its a bug somewhere and there are a few that I have come accross

I make sure I sync looking well east or west as the mount can get confused where its looking and which side of the pier it is

and sometimes no amount of syncing will work and a reboot is required to get things running again


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Thank you for replying. I did follow the setup pdf a year ago when I set up the mount.I use prism v10 for controlling  the mount. The problem is ,I think, a disagreement between scope encoders and shaft encoders, the mount thinks it is pointing somewhere and after the platesolve ends and it syncs, it realises that it is pointing in a totally different place and tries to realign properly (and in that process it sends the telescope on a collision path wih the pier so I have to power off without parking and I am back to square one- a positive feedback loop). The problem is almost every time I move the mount after power off,  I have to go through this trouble and it s getting on my nerves. The scope encoders are on ignore and the supervisory threshold is set at 10 degrees. Also usually after rebooting i get the bellow horizon limit error although the scope is pointing well above the horizon. When the mount works, it guides very well, but for me the problem is to get it to work in a few minutes not 2 hours... 

tomorrow night I will try again 

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Don’t want to get anyone’s backs up as I have replied to a thread about cone error on an EQ6 mount in the not to distant past that needed moderator imput, in this section.

My question is, that this thread is posted in the beginners section. I realise that the heading getting started with equipment help and advice applies to dan-adi’s question. The level of technical know how and mention of observatory doesn’t seem in keeping with ‘beginner’

I may be wrong, but it seems to sit more comfortably in the equipment section about mounts. I was a beginner two years ago and most of this thread I do not understand now. Heaven only knows what a beginner/new member of this forum must think.

I may be wrong but I am happy to take opinion.


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1 hour ago, dan_adi said:

Thank you for replying. I did follow the setup pdf a year ago when I set up the mount.I use prism v10 for controlling  the mount. The problem is ,I think, a disagreement between scope encoders and shaft encoders, the mount thinks it is pointing somewhere and after the platesolve ends and it syncs, it realises that it is pointing in a totally different place and tries to realign properly (and in that process it sends the telescope on a collision path wih the pier so I have to power off without parking and I am back to square one- a positive feedback loop). The problem is almost every time I move the mount after power off,  I have to go through this trouble and it s getting on my nerves. The scope encoders are on ignore and the supervisory threshold is set at 10 degrees. Also usually after rebooting i get the bellow horizon limit error although the scope is pointing well above the horizon. When the mount works, it guides very well, but for me the problem is to get it to work in a few minutes not 2 hours... 

tomorrow night I will try again 

OK - well I am not familiar with Prism V10 so I cant comment on that.

Reinstalling the default settings should clear up and disagreement within SiTech.

Failing that its worth emailing Lucas at Mesu - he is very obliging, helpful and knowledgeable and he speaks good English - 

Lucas Mesu
Jasmijnstraat 14
5492 JT Sint-Oedenrode
Tel: +31 (0) 413-479981
E-mail: info@mesu-optics.nl

He will want to resolve this with you - people struggling with a Mesu is rare and he will want to keep it that way!

Its probably a small mistake in the settings somewhere.

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PS - I would happily send you copies of my settings ie the two backup files but I think they are custom written per mount - but I am happy to pop them in a Dropbox file for you if you want to try them - but make sure you back up your own settings first!!!!!  

Good luck - I feel your frustration. 😉 

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1 hour ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

I may be wrong, but it seems to sit more comfortably in the equipment section about mounts. I was a beginner two years ago and most of this thread I do not understand now. Heaven only knows what a beginner/new member of this forum must think.

I am sure the mods will move it if they deem it necessary. To me I see someone struggling with equipment, equipment that I am reasonably familiar with and I am trying to help him. Surely that would be an encouragement to a new member?? 


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3 hours ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

Don’t want to get anyone’s backs up as I have replied to a thread about cone error on an EQ6 mount in the not to distant past that needed moderator imput, in this section.

My question is, that this thread is posted in the beginners section. I realise that the heading getting started with equipment help and advice applies to dan-adi’s question. The level of technical know how and mention of observatory doesn’t seem in keeping with ‘beginner’

I may be wrong, but it seems to sit more comfortably in the equipment section about mounts. I was a beginner two years ago and most of this thread I do not understand now. Heaven only knows what a beginner/new member of this forum must think.

I may be wrong but I am happy to take opinion.


A great simple click of the report function to draw it the moderators attention would suffice, and certainly avoid getting people’s backs up.

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The only time that I have seen behaviour like this has been after an 'incident' (like me turning off power to the mount before parking it or something else stupid that I have done!). The system itself is quirky but reliable in my experience of several years.

To set things right, try this:-

1. with the mount turned off, set the mount pointing weights down telescope up and apply the disk locks to ensure that the correct start point is selected.

2. undo the locks and turn the mount on

3. click on 'unpark' and if you get one, accept the error message about not being parked!

4. slew manually using the hand control to an object in the east at least 30 degree away from the NCP, align with it accurately and carry out an 'Offset Init'

5. manually move back to the park position using the hand control and carefully align the disk lock slots with the 'hooks' but don't engage them

6. click on the 'Stop' button

7. click on the 'Set Park' button

8. click on the park button

This will give you the best chance of knowing that everything is correctly initialised and you can now unpark the mount and use it normally.

I hope that helps.

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3 hours ago, steppenwolf said:

4. slew manually using the hand control to an object in the east at least 30 degree away from the NCP, align with it accurately and carry out an 'Offset Init'

Do you have to do this every time the mount is switched on, i.e. it doesn't remember its position from when it's powered off?!

Edited by Jonk
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12 minutes ago, Jonk said:

Do you have to do this every time the mount is switched on, i.e. it doesn't remember it's position from when it's powered off?!

No, only if there has been an ‘incident’ ! At all other times, you park the mount at the end of each session and simply unpark and get on with your next session and it will be correctly aligned.

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In  C:\ProgramData\SiTech\SiTechExe

Delete any zero size file you find.  any ParkPointXP & XPAX, LastPointXP & XPAX, HomePointXP &
XPAX, and any pointing model you have created.

Before starting again as stated in previous post.

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5 hours ago, steppenwolf said:

The only time that I have seen behaviour like this has been after an 'incident' (like me turning off power to the mount before parking it or something else stupid that I have done!). The system itself is quirky but reliable in my experience of several years.

To set things right, try this:-

1. with the mount turned off, set the mount pointing weights down telescope up and apply the disk locks to ensure that the correct start point is selected.

2. undo the locks and turn the mount on

3. click on 'unpark' and if you get one, accept the error message about not being parked!

4. slew manually using the hand control to an object in the east at least 30 degree away from the NCP, align with it accurately and carry out an 'Offset Init'

5. manually move back to the park position using the hand control and carefully align the disk lock slots with the 'hooks' but don't engage them

6. click on the 'Stop' button

7. click on the 'Set Park' button

8. click on the park button

This will give you the best chance of knowing that everything is correctly initialised and you can now unpark the mount and use it normally.

I hope that helps.

Thank you for the detailed reply. If tonight the sky is clear I will try again to correct the problem. These problems are usually user error. The sitech software is at first scary and it takes time to become efficient with it. The mount behaves very well when I manage to make it work. I was even able to make a very good model with it, which I shared on the forum. At first I tried with a SCT, but the results were not constant. After installing my refractor on the mesu, the pointing model improved and the results were consistent, with an average rms pointing value of 10-13 arcseconds. Let’s hope tonight is clear. Many thanks again for the wonderful feedback and support on this forum

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5 minutes ago, Singlin said:

In  C:\ProgramData\SiTech\SiTechExe

Delete any zero size file you find.  any ParkPointXP & XPAX, LastPointXP & XPAX, HomePointXP &
XPAX, and any pointing model you have created.

Before starting again as stated in previous post.

Noted. Last time I made it work I remember deleting the files and the pointing model. The mistake I made was not to write down the steps I took to get things back on track 😁 this time I will write them in stone 😀😀

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