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Vixen SLV over BST StarGuider?

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In the not too distant future I'll be looking to fill a couple of gaps and replace some EP's I currently own but don't get on with. I'm trying to make a decision as to what to go with. They are for use with a Celestron C6N (f/5 750mm.)
I've got a bit of a mix of EP's - I started with the stock 20mm plossl, added a 10mm BCO, then a Vixen NPL 30mm and most recently a Vixen SLV 5mm. As a glasses wearer I don't get on with either the stock 20mm or the BCO; I find the latter good optically but neither comfortable nor easy to use. Conversely, both my Vixen's are a joy to use. I spent the extra on the SLV 5mm on the basis that at top end usable mag I want the optics to be as good as I can afford.

I'm looking for a 15mm EP particularly for DSO's, and to replace my 20mm (I'm aware that BST don't do 10 & 20, but do 18mm.) I'll probably replace the BCO too at some point with whatever I go for, but to start with will barlow the 20mm.
The BST Starguiders are raved about on these forums, and seem to have a similar eye cup design to the Vixen's so they're a clear contender. But I really like the SLV's.

So my questions are:
Is the additional cost (about double) of the SLV's merited in terms of additional performance?
Is it worth going for the BST on the basis of 60° vs 50° FOV?
Is there anything else I should consider?


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Hi there, yes, you have a difficult choice but it all depends on your budget, the BST's are clearly good runners because of the price and AFOV, however, I have tried the Vixen's and they are stunning and really sharp, if I had to make the choice I would choose the Vixen SLV's, however, at twice the price I am afraid.  To be honest, you wouldn't really notice the difference in the AFoV's, quality is the key here.

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I've used both eyepiece types and agree with Robins assessment.

At low to medium magnifications the BST Starguiders are pretty good. I think you did the right thing in investing in a Vixen SLV 5mm for higher powers though.

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I have owned a full set of SLV and rather enjoyed them.
Only replaced as I got TeleVue fever.
I still have a 6mm LV, which is the earlier version of the SLV and enjoy it a lot.

At shorter FL then the 50 degrees works for me, longer FL, then I like 60 degrees plus.
But I use all underiven push long mounts.

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In the US (I can't say about the UK), the Vixen SLVs have been discontinued and are heavily discounted (well below cost).

The SLVs are really nice eyepieces for everything except the Moon, where a shiny spacer under the eye lens reflects light into the eye from outside the field stop.

For deep sky, however, if 50° is your desire, they are fine.  If the manufacturer has discontinued them, however, then they will slowly disappear from the market.

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18 hours ago, Don Pensack said:

The SLVs are really nice eyepieces for everything except the Moon, where a shiny spacer under the eye lens reflects light into the eye from outside the field stop.

Is that all of the SLVs? I thought that was supposed to be an issue in early examples, but later corrected. 

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