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Help with magenta stars

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i have been imaging the Rosette nebula over the last few clear nights we just had and I am hoping someone will be able to give me some tips for tackling the magenta stars? 
It’s an integration of 6.5 hours ha and 5 hours sii and oiii, all 30 min subs, captured with Artemis capture, calibrated and integrated in Astro Pixel processor then transferred to photoshop for selective colour, and other tweaks.

APP has a calibrate star Colour option but in this case it drains the whole image of the colour and makes it difficult to get the golden reds and deep blues that I was after. 
I mainly use Photoshop ps6 and don’t have pixinsight 

any help would be awesome! 
many thanks 



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15 minutes ago, fireballxl5 said:

a very quick fix in PS is to de-saturate the magenta....




HTH, Andy

Thanks Andy! 
so simple!

now I just have to cope with the hazy bloated remains! 
i guess there must have been guiding or focus issues? Or maybe 30min subs are pushing it?! 

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2 hours ago, fireballxl5 said:

a more effective way is to 

1. Invert the image; Image - Adjustments - Invert

2. Apply HLVG (download PS plug-in from http://www.deepskycolors.com/archivo/2010/04/26/hasta-La-Vista-Green.html)

3. Invert image again; Image - Adjustments - Invert



PS, nice colours and detail in your Rosette🙂


Thanks for the input Fireball and the kind words 😊

I have yet to successfully integrate HVLG into ps6, I don’t think they are compatible! 
I may have an old copy of ps3, but I don’t know if I can run both versions of photoshop one one machine? 


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1 minute ago, happy-kat said:

With plugins you have to match the bit depth. Eg. A 32bit version of the plugin will not work on a 64 bit application of CS6. This caught me out when getting plugins to work.

Thanks for that! 
I’m pretty sure I chose the wright version when I tried last, in fact I may have even tried both?! 
I then looked at compatibility and I think Cs3 was the last version it was reported to work with? 
it was a while ago though and I’ve slept since (as it’s been Cloudy!) So  I’ll have another go. 


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12 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

Or you could use Filter-Noise-Reduce Noise


Followed by a more gentle Hue/Saturation


To give


Another great idea! 
thank you, I still have so much to learn!

I guess it would be a good idea to take some RGB images when the rosette is at its highest so I can try and transplant some natural star colours? 

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1 hour ago, assouptro said:

I guess it would be a good idea to take some RGB images when the rosette is at its highest so I can try and transplant some natural star colours? 

Yes, that would be a nice way of making the stars more interesting. Capture your blue subframes when the Rosette is at its very highest in the sky to minimize the effects of atmospheric dispersion.

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3 hours ago, assouptro said:

Thanks for that! 
I’m pretty sure I chose the wright version when I tried last, in fact I may have even tried both?! 
I then looked at compatibility and I think Cs3 was the last version it was reported to work with? 
it was a while ago though and I’ve slept since (as it’s been Cloudy!) So  I’ll have another go. 


I can confirm that HLVG definitely works with later versions - I have it installed in Photoshop CC 2020 and it works well.

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On 05/12/2019 at 12:45, GraemeH said:

I can confirm that HLVG definitely works with later versions - I have it installed in Photoshop CC 2020 and it works well.

Thanks again Graeme, I was trying the wrong version!

It works a treat!!

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