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M 74 Luminance -WIP


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This was my first go at imaging since February so everything was a bit rusty.  However, all the kit still worked, together with my trusted Windows XP, and I managed to get two hours worth on this galaxy.  Surprisingly difficult to find (it is rather faint), especially as I have serious problems with light pollution from nearby 24/24 roadworks which use amazingly bright banks of LED lights to illuminate the surrounding countryside. However, it was the first clear night for ages so I just had to give it a go.

I managed two hours of luminance before the fog/mist rolled in, so hopefully I might be able to augment it with some RGB soon.  So, definitely “work in progress”, but despite the light pollution problems, I am quite pleased with the result so far.  It is rather blotchy, but perhaps some more time will help to sort that out, or even better, if someone on this forum can point me in the right direction?  Processing was Photoshop CS5.

Imaged with my C11 at 2800mm focal length and Atik 4000, all on an EM200 mount.  24 subs at 5 minutes each.

All comments and criticisms very much appreciated.






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Thank you very much Dave.  I think for using as a luminance I suspect that I may need a tad more contrast as I have experimented with as below, although I have to say that as a stand alone image I prefer the first.



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Thank you very much Martin.  Yes, I was a bit surprised to get much detail with the light pollution.  Unfortunately the bank of lights will stay until April, so although I will try colour, I suspect it may be rather "washed out".  The EM200 does indeed work well - I would say almost faultlessly, especially with around 16kg of kit on it.  And guiding to well less than 0.4 arcsec....


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