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Problems with the Electronic Command Center (ECC)

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I hope, that you can help me, see email belong and the attachment. I own a telescope from Meade 10" Model 2120 with LX quartzpuls drive.

The engines work, but I can not start the smart drive.

Without this function, the telescope is no longer fully functional.

I hope you have connections that can help me (selling an ECC or repair).


Greetings from switzerland.

R. Burren


Von: CustomerService <CustomerService@meade.com>
Gesendet: Montag, 18. November 2019 17:57
An: Rolf Burren <rolf.burren@bluewin.ch>
Betreff: RE: Meade Model 2120


Thank you for the inquiry and opportunity to assist.

Unfortunately we have no parts for this model any longer and no ability to make any repairs again just due to lack of components.

Our best and only real recommendation might be to try the online user groups for anyone capable of re-engineering or repairing such an item or attempting to locate a replacement keypad on the used market.

Our apologies for being unable to assist more directly but hope the thoughts are of some assistance.

Best Regards,


Meade Customer Service



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Hi and welcome to SGL, my Meade LX200R has smart drive but it was never very successful at doing what it was supposed to so I don't bother to use it, it's perfectly functional without it.

There were folk in the USA manufacturing replacement boards a while ago, very expensive and not sure if they're still available.

You could try enquiring on the Meade Yahoo Group if they're still active.


Edited by Davey-T
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I had that scope in the late 90s the was called a lx6 premiere, it was also a 10 inch.

On another post I wrote my drive base stopped tracking in ra but everything else worked. Like I could use the hand control and move it in ra and dec BUT it wounded track automatic anymore.

Meade fixed it I had my dealer take care sending back and forth so in sure they also charged for their part.

Total bill was like $550 back then few years later when I up graded it to meade 14 lx200 GPS uhtc I only got 1200 for the 10 inch lx6 scope. So maybe repairing the drive base was not worth spending that much.

Could u deform the ota and put it on EQ mount then sell the base fork arms and tripod for someone who wants parts etc 


Edited by joe aguiar
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Hi Rolf

The 2120 from the 1990's has a RA drive just like any other mount, Meade calls it the Quartz Electronic Drive System.

Does the mount track stars in RA? That means the RA Quartz drive is working.

Smart Drive is Meade's name for Permanent Periodic Error Correction or PPEC, which is accessed with the handbox.

The handbox also allows slewing of the mount using the buttons on the handbox.

Does your 2120 have a handbox ?

Without the handbox the scope will have to be moved to targets by releasing the clutches on the mount and moving the scope by hand.

Once the clutches are tightened again the mount will track the object in RA using the Quartz Drive.

Perhaps you could post an image of your setup?



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I have a LX6 Premier drive and 2120 10" OTA and that has PPEC . When the RA is running it will beep about every 8 minutes, that's when the worm gear is at its starting point and when it has done one rotation it beeps again. If it does not beep it could be that the sensor above the worm gear shaft has come lose, when I got mine this had happen, it picks up a small magnet in the shaft. 


But the telescope can function without PPEC

Edited by Piet Le Roux
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