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Big apo news

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TS asked Sharpstar to make a shortish 140mm triplet (to compete with TEC's 140mm f/7 triplet apparently), and the result is presented in their website today. To keep the stars tight over a large field at the kinda steep for the diameter f/6.5 ratio, they put two low-dispersion lenses in the objective (Takahashi does the same in some large apos). The focuser is a very large 4" unit, and the scope can operate at f/4.8 with a 3" reducer, imagers will love that.


I'm visual only but I'm glad these things are being marketed because the more large compact apos they make, the more likely I am to own one one day when I save up enough.

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Interesting.  I have one of their 130mm f/6.6 apos and it's an excellent scope (ditto a 90mm carbon fibre apo).

I wonder how this will perform compared to the SW Esprit 150 and the TS scopes that use that objective.

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The last time I looked, which was some time ago the TEC was about 5,000 quid, I am sure it's more now as this one is priced at almost 4,000e, so not exactly free with Cornflakes. Looks a very nice scope but I can hear my wife sharpening knives.


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If one could handle the mounting issues and weight, I figure a 140mm apo would be a gorgeous scope. Despite its acknowledged drawbacks compared, say, to a bigger aperture dob, each night I use the little FL 102, I'm simply drawn in by its fabulous contrast, colour correction and lovely, gleaming tight stars. For all its irrationality, the lure of a decent refractor still gives me a buzz :smiley:.

- - - -

P.S. The OP's link didn't work for me, so have no idea of the particular scope's specs, price etc.

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I do get that some people prefer such scopes and might find this interesting, but not really my cup of tea.

For AP applications - I can list few alternatives that will be cheaper than this and probably as effective (if not more so) - like already mentioned hyperbolic newtonian, or something like nice 6" Mak-Newt if one does not fancy diffraction spikes.

For visual, I think people would rather choose something at F/7-F/8 if choosing doublets?

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8 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

This scope is reviewed positively in this month’s Astronomy Now. Bit cheaper and bigger than a Takahashi Epsilon 130d, but still premium price

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The TEC140 is $6600 USD and it went up $600 or so when they switched to a Fluorite element in 2018. 

Its the weak UK £ that means we take it on the chin pricewise.

I see its gone up in price over here ; mine was around £500 less than that.

This new scope is air spaced rather than an oil spaced design like the TEC so it will take some cooldown time.


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i wish companies would give you a choice of focusers tho. a 4" focuser is really meant for imagers. people like myself that are visual only dont need a $1200 focuser (W.O does this too with their 153GT). just a decent 2.5" dual speed focuser is fine for like 200 to 300.

they should offer 2 versions one with that focuser for the imager and a one not so robust just for eps/visual and have a cheaper price it could be $500 to $800 less without an imgers focuser.


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to me tho 140 is too close to 2 of my scope i alreday got a  meade 6000 130mm apo and then the skywatcher evostar 150 apo so it wouldnt fit my needs. altho i dont like the f/8 in the 6" size if it had a double ED lens makeing it f/6.5 and having the same colour correction as my SW150 ed i would sell the SW one and get that


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7 minutes ago, joe aguiar said:

i wish companies would give you a choice of focusers tho. a 4" focuser is really meant for imagers. people like myself that are visual only dont need a $1200 focuser (W.O does this too with their 153GT). just a decent 2.5" dual speed focuser is fine for like 200 to 300.

they should offer 2 versions one with that focuser for the imager and a one not so robust just for eps/visual and have a cheaper price it could be $500 to $800 less without an imgers focuser.


A lot of the premium ones do.

Look at the LZOS stuff from APM etc and they do offer that.

I'm sure you could have whatever focuser you wanted ; its down to each individuals choice.

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53 minutes ago, Space Hopper said:

A lot of the premium ones do.

Look at the LZOS stuff from APM etc and they do offer that.

I'm sure you could have whatever focuser you wanted ; its down to each individuals choice.

apm is too far from Canada to order BUT I did ask WO I was reday to buy the 153mmf/7.8 apo triplet, if they could switch to a 2.5" dual speed focuser like the ones the smaller 80mm to 103 models have instead of the feather touch 3.5 dual speed which is like $1200 focuser. I told them that focuser is meant for imaging and just needed something smaller cheaper for visual etc they said to just buy another scope then. in can that scope costs $9800 after taxes which is a lot I figure I could save from $800 to $1000 just on the focuser doing that.

so not every company will do that maybe one or 2 here and there but apm is just too far and then with exchange customs duties etc would be too much I just want something local from north amercia


Edited by joe aguiar
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APM scopes are very popular in the USA. More over there than here in Europe I think !

Markus Ludes (who runs APM) is a regular contributor to the "Cloudynights" forum.

There are the APM ED doublets and the APM / LZOS triplets though - very different scopes with very different price tags.


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true john even getting stuff from the usa to Canada becomes expensive fast, 1.30% exchange rate then customs duties.

one time I ordered a $50 ep $15 to ship, I had to pay $27 in duties it wasn't so worth it after all thos fees. So when talking about a scope of several thousdands gets pricy and sometimes not worth it anymore.


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Competing with TEC doesn't just mean trotting out a list of words, triplet and apo etc., or a list of numbers 140mm, F7, etc; it also means building a reputation for quite extraordinarily high standards of quality control and consistency at a competitive price. Remember, there are telescope makers who are far more expensive than TEC and one of them, at least, has lost the ability to compete with TEC on QC or consistency. I see the Tak TOA150 is listed at 41 euros shy of 15000 euros at my 'local' dealer. You could buy two TEC 140s for that and have change to buy a second high end CCD for a dual rig. Dual TEC140 imaging rig versus single TAK 150? I know which I'd choose.  I bought my TEC second hand a long time ago before there was even a UK importer. I paid £3800 for it with rings and Scopeguard case. It stands alongside my Mesu 200 mounts as the most unambiguously outstanding product I've encountered in astronomy. I'm beginning to sound religious: I'd better stop!


PS I heard it described on CN as 'A glorified achromat.' Heh heh. Alnitak? Sorry, no further comment!



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