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Avx without handset

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Hi. I was recently given a celestron avx mount without a handset. I have no idea if the mount works and I don't wNt to waste money on a handset if it doesn't. 

Is there a way to test the mount using a pc to control it? 

I have looked at nexremote but this doesn't seem to work with a modern laptop. Could anyone recommend a way to do this? 

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norm they cant as the hand controller moves the scope BUT iam not 100% when it comes to apps on phone or using a remote controller or laptop to control the telescope  is not my forte

iam not sure if the AVX can break down into a manual mount, for instance I took out the goto's, drives and gears  from a meade LXD75 mount and I will be selling that off in the spring time. So now its bascally a manual mount BUT I also did buy a dual axis drives with hand controller for tracking. What I will get from the auto star, gears motor and goto will almost be as much as I paid for the whole set-up so its not a loss, and to me using a manual mount with just tracking 1000x easier and less headaches.

BUT iam not sure if you can do this with the avx, if you can you can do the  same sell it to someone whos avx fried and just need parts.



Edited by joe aguiar
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It does need the hand controller 😟 you can connect a cable to the hand controller but not direct to mount.

Best bet is hopefully one of the Kent guys will see thread and offer to lend you one ... Some of us have spares as the Starsense accessory has its own handset.

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On 25/11/2019 at 17:43, Duke2k said:

Hi. I was recently given a celestron avx mount without a handset. I have no idea if the mount works and I don't wNt to waste money on a handset if it doesn't. 

Is there a way to test the mount using a pc to control it? 

I have looked at nexremote but this doesn't seem to work with a modern laptop. Could anyone recommend a way to do this? 

Hi, I have a brand new AVX hand controller you can borrow, it’s obsolete because I’m using Starsence which comes with its own controller. 

Drop me a DM with you’re address and I’ll post it to you. 

Hope this helps.



Edited by Benjam
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Hi all I have just tried the mount using the handset that Ben kindly sent me and the declination axis rotates at high speed and doesn't respond to controls. However if any other speed is set fron 1 to 8 it operates normally. It's only on the fast slew goto speed that it keeps running. 

Any ideas os shall I post as a different issue? 

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Just a suggestion and I could be wrong, but have you tried the speed settings in “Custom Rate 9”? I think it’s either, Telescope or Handset then settings and custom rate 9. You can change the dec and RA speeds separately from anywhere between 4.5% and 0.5%. 

Also since owning the HC, I haven’t updated the firmware. 


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Hi Ben. I have managed to get a handset and I have updated it but there doesn't seem to be the option for the custom slew rates. Can you please let me know the firmware version of your handset? 

When I used your one it identified the mount as avx but this is reporting nexstar. I think I may have loaded the alt az firmware instead of eq. 


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18 hours ago, Duke2k said:

Hi Ben. I have managed to get a handset and I have updated it but there doesn't seem to be the option for the custom slew rates. Can you please let me know the firmware version of your handset? 

When I used your one it identified the mount as avx but this is reporting nexstar. I think I may have loaded the alt az firmware instead of eq. 


Hi Arthur

I’ve not actually used the Nexstar HC before and I’ve just noticed the Starsence HC has a different layout. 

However, i plugged the Nexstar into my mount and found this information below. 

I’m not sure if it’s what your after? 




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