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Astroberry new version with RPI 4 support


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The next version of Astroberry is now available - this is free and runs on Raspberry Pi 4 (and 3) using the default Buster OS.


You can download the complete image OR install via stnadrd APT INSTALL and configure the set up via a script.  AND update it via APT - so longer need to download full image.

Thanks to the hard work of Radek the author  🙂

Edited by stash_old
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Up and running on existing rpi3b+ - networks all work - Private and Internet.

Warning if you try installing on an existing set up it will create a new user ASTROBERRY and default to this - you haven't lost anything you just will have 2 users - PI and Astroberry.

If you do the above Kstars gets confused - Astroberry has one set of profiles and starting Kstars appears to have another. Would have expected both shown - might be ok on clean set up as I had Indi already installed under PI.

Plus I use REALVNC and "Connect" via Web Browser doesn't work with that ! But Web manager equiv works !

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Hi guys! I see the news are spreading around quickly 😉

Please register all issues at https://github.com/rkaczorek/astroberry-server/issues

This will make my life easier in maintaining Astroberry Server and will keep track of issues for other users too.

@stash_old could you please describe the issue related to KStars getting confused with profiles on two accounts? I think I have not accounted for this in the code.

REALVNC does work with Connect via Web Browser BUT if you use unencrypted connection it takes only 8 characters for password (inherent limitation), so instead of 'astroberry' use 'astrober' - I know it's bizzare but I cannot do anything about it.

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1 hour ago, RadekK said:

Hi guys! I see the news are spreading around quickly 😉

Please register all issues at https://github.com/rkaczorek/astroberry-server/issues

This will make my life easier in maintaining Astroberry Server and will keep track of issues for other users too.

@stash_old could you please describe the issue related to KStars getting confused with profiles on two accounts? I think I have not accounted for this in the code.

REALVNC does work with Connect via Web Browser BUT if you use unencrypted connection it takes only 8 characters for password (inherent limitation), so instead of 'astroberry' use 'astrober' - I know it's bizzare but I cannot do anything about it.


Downloaded and works a treat albeit using simulators in kstars on rpi4 4gb fast as well no lag at all. Fingers crossed


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Just a question. I see that there is a Pi account is this the default password? (did not work) as was prompted once when doing a update via gui then found a dropdown for astroberry account ? Also I have a french keyboard usb locally and via vnc UK desktop keyboard unable to add other keyboard layouts tried looking in menu's and adding system items can you help

great work faster than SM Beta



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4 hours ago, fozzybear said:

I see that there is a Pi account is this the default password

Pi user account is disabled on fresh install for security reasons (original raspbian warns user of default password instead). You can re-enable pi account by running: sudo passwd -u pi

Regarding the keyboards you need to go through standard configuration with raspi-config or gui_rc.


4 hours ago, WanderingEye said:

Am I correct in thinking with this new version on raspbian buster, to update Kstars and Indi, it can be done via apt-update, rather than having to rebuild each time as before....?

This is correct.

I have created unofficial rasbian buster apt repository with all the packages needed. This means that any raspbian user can install KStars and all INDI drivers from this repo. No need to use whole Astroberry Server - just don't install astroberry-server-* packages.

Edited by RadekK
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The only thing I have left to try is an "update" where Astroberry/Kstars/Ekos has changed to see what happens to an existing set up. Plus not been able to live testing - thanks weather - but DSLR type set ups using both local and local/remote using Kstars and/or CCDciel on Windows / Linux/Raspbian etc seem to be working well - sick of seeing images of my desk. No doubt there will still be issue's when live testing is possible but that is to be expected.

If Astroberry lets us jump to each new Raspberry PI upgrade easily as they come out and update Kstars/Ekos etc as per normal RPI APT updates thats a big plus.

One BIG item missing - a Paypal donate support link as no doubt running a repository costs money and that excludes the time(and therefore cost)  people like Radek put in - same goes for all developers of Astro software - it amazes me just how many very good options we now have - got to be very good thing 🙂  and not to be taken for granted as we all (including me) do from time to time.

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6 hours ago, WanderingEye said:

Kstars is one version behind, my other system is 3.3.8, this one is 3.3.7

It's on its way 😉

EDIT: The update to 3.3.8 is ready. Run regular apt get update && apt get upgrade

Edited by RadekK
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Just did an apt update and apt upgrade and the some new mods/fix's were installed without a problem - 3mins top on RPI3b+ - so nearly on par with Ubuntu Mate workflow. Sometimes its a good thing to be 1 version behind 🙂


Notice Raspberry have updated the firmware(still beta) on RPI4 to try and sort overheating / power problems - the last one didn't work it slowed down USB connections. 


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2 hours ago, stash_old said:

Just did an apt update and apt upgrade and the some new mods/fix's were installed without a problem - 3mins top on RPI3b+ - so nearly on par with Ubuntu Mate workflow. Sometimes its a good thing to be 1 version behind 🙂


Notice Raspberry have updated the firmware(still beta) on RPI4 to try and sort overheating / power problems - the last one didn't work it slowed down USB connections. 


The new firmwear update works well, also enables overclocking up to 2.2ghz, with no overheating... 😀👍

But what power issues..?.

Edited by WanderingEye
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1 hour ago, fozzybear said:

what case are you using I've a flirc dare I overclock it?


I have a plastic one with heatsink and fan, but the flirc case is excellent, there is a copy of that case on Amazon for half the price, I might try it... :)

if you do overclock, stick to 2000ghz...it will go higher but that is enough, put these lines in config.txt under the rpi4 section


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24 minutes ago, WanderingEye said:

I have a plastic one with heatsink and fan, but the flirc case is excellent, there is a copy of that case on Amazon for half the price, I might try it... :)

if you do overclock, stick to 2000ghz...it will go higher but that is enough, put these lines in config.txt under the rpi4 section


Cheers for the heads up greatly appreciated

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13 hours ago, WanderingEye said:

The new firmwear update works well, also enables overclocking up to 2.2ghz, with no overheating... 😀👍

But what power issues..?.

Heat generated by USB always running at full power even when not being used - which produces heat.


You could also try upping the clock on SD card but be warned only on "good" UHS sd cards - should work on RPI4 ( I haven't tried it ) - so backup first !


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5 hours ago, stash_old said:

Heat generated by USB always running at full power even when not being used - which produces heat.


You could also try upping the clock on SD card but be warned only on "good" UHS sd cards - should work on RPI4 ( I haven't tried it ) - so backup first !


The SD card overclock does not work, have just tried, those instructions were for the 3b so maybe that was the issue... 👍 worth  a try though...

Edited by WanderingEye
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10 hours ago, stash_old said:

Heat generated by USB always running at full power even when not being used - which produces heat.


You could also try upping the clock on SD card but be warned only on "good" UHS sd cards - should work on RPI4 ( I haven't tried it ) - so backup first !


I wonder if you can help me, as I see you are quite well up on this Astroberry....

I have changed the password from Astroberry, and it works for the most part, but it still requires the old “Astroberry” default password to get in via VNC, how do I change this...?
thanks 👍

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