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The Elephants Trunk Complex (IC1396)

Skipper Billy

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The Elephants Trunk Complex (IC1396) - Takahashi 106 EDXVi, Atik 16200, Atik EFW3 filter wheel, Baader 2" narrowband filters, Mesu 200 mount guided with SW ED72 and ASI 290 mono. Software - SGP, PHD2, processed In Pixinsight and fully calibrated with darks, bias and flats. 3 hours Ha - 2 hours Oiii and 2 hours Sii all binned 1x1 - Processed in Hubble pallet using Pixinsight. Very poor seeing and 72% moon.


Hi res version here - https://www.flickr.com/photos/113316085@N05/49083911368/in/album-72157675109735132/

IC1396 Elephants Trunk Complex.jpg

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that has a very striking 3D effect.  Very nice.  I think a wee bit more saturation wouldn't bump you into cartoon-land, which i understand you are trying to avoid visiting.  lord knows , as a resident, I will tell you....good decision.


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