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Starting Astrophotography

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The phillips webcam is a cracking camera to get started with, I think most of the SGL users from the olden days (😁) cut their teeth on one of these.

Start with the moon and I think you'll be hooked. The images will be close ups with your scope, but you can always build a full moon mosaic after a bit of practice.

Looking forward to seeing the results!

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On 20/11/2019 at 09:10, Mike Oliver said:

I do intend to give the Meade DSI a run out but my recollection of a friend's experience with this camera doesn't fill me with confidence. Also, Meade have told me I shall have to use a laptop running Windows XP for the camera to work. Luckily, I have an old Toshiba laptop with XP on board but it is a mini laptop and it hasn't seen the light of day for a few years. Still, it will be worth a try. Onwards & upwards...

I contacted Meade support and they gave me a download link that provided me with a version of AutoStar Suite, Envisage V7.1 that runs in Windows XP and 7, Nebulosity 4 and the drivers for my DSI camera. They couldn't have been more helpful. I have connected the camera to my old laptop and it is sending images to AutoStar - obviously, they are only garbled because the camera is not on my 'scope at this point. Once I get the chance, I'll see what the results are with the camera mounted on the 'scope. So, I now have two working cameras - who would have thought it?

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Making good progress by the looks of things.  Looking forward to your first image, do remind us of this thread as there are a lot of people on this forum and difficult to remember everyone's names unless they are regulars. we've got to know over time. 


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Yes, Carole, making progress on the basics as you say. The acid test is still to come when I get a clear night and can try everything out with my 'scope. Luckily, I have found a colleague in my Society who is willing to help - he has been into astrophotography for some considerable time. Funnily enough, my main objective is to be able to control and observe through my telescope whilst I'm in the warm instead of freezing myself to death in the garden. My daughter is buying me a Celestron WiFi module for Christmas as a further contribution to this old man's cold bones 🥶

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