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Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks 2019 NOV 17-18

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The annual Leonid Meteor Shower should already be underway. It is expected to peak during the night of 2019 NOV 17-18. Its radiant is in the constellation Leo. That is the direction toward which the meteor tails point, but the meteors are equally likely to appear anywhere in your sky. The Leonids are debris from the periodic comet 55P Tempel-Tuttle.

The Leonids vary considerably each year in their rates. At the peak, sharp-eyed observers may see as few as ten meteors per hour or as many as a hundred, although in exceptional years this can reach the thousands. This year the expectation is for around 15 to 20 per hour.

The real show begins after Leo rises around midnight and intensifies until morning twilight. At the shower’s peak the waning gibbous Moon may present some interference.

Descriptions of the shower or perhaps even lucky photos would be welcome additions to this thread.


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Would love to say I could take part but the weather has been awful since October 9th. Saw on the news earlier that 300,000 people in South East France are without power due to snow.

I have just posted a heads up about the Monocerotids November 21/22nd but I am not hopeful about seeing anything except rain.... or fog, in which case it is the same thing.


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